Page 84 of Sleet Princess

Chapter 68


I setmy phone down on the nightstand and turn off the light.

I know what I did wasn’t right, but if Luke would just take his head out of his ass for five minutes, I could explain it to him.

I deserve better than this.

Pulling the hotel blanket up to my chin, I ignore the way my eyes fill.

I’ve cried enough.

I won’t cry any more over this disaster of a marriage.

Chapter 69


I tossmy phone to the other end of the couch and watch it bounce off the cushion and land on Jackson’s floor.

You know how to get a hold of me.

“I think that’s enough for the night.” Coach stands and stretches his back.

We’ve been watching game tapes, but really, it’s just been him and Jackson watching and discussing. I haven’t heard a word.

It’s been over a week since the shit show in Natalie’s office.

Natalie Wagner ofWagCorp. A woman whose individual worth is estimated at over one hundred million dollars.

Just thinking about her makes me angry.

The whole fucking situation makes me angry.

And what makes me the angriest is that I don’t even know who I’m angriest at.

Her for not spelling out who exactly she was? Or me for never even thinking about looking her up?

Her for practically blackmailing me into playing along? Or me for feeling so damn hurt about it?

Her for being mature and reaching out to me like this can be fixedwith a simple conversation? Or me for not wanting to face her when all I really want to do is see her?

We had some away games in the days after I stormed out of Natalie’s office, but since we got back, I’ve been crashing at Jackson’s.

Natalie doesn’t have my address, or at least I haven’t given it to her, but I’m sure someone with her means could find it. And I couldn’t take the chance of her showing up, so I’ve been hiding out here.

Like a fucking coward.

Which makes me even angrier.

I snag my phone off the floor as Jackson and I get up and follow Coach toward the door.

My steps are heavier than they need to be, but I can’t help it.

I’m not an angry dude. I don’t like feeling this way.

Coach gives Katelyn, Jackson’s wife, a hug goodbye before turning back to us. “I’ll see you boys at practice tomorrow.”