“You gonna survive?” I ask him as he puts his arm back around my shoulders.
“I think so.” He tugs me against his side.
The bouncer sets our cups out of sight, and I cross my fingers that we don’t forget them. I want something to remind me of tonight.
Then the bouncer opens the door, and we walk through.
Chapter 51
Music and lights.
My eyes adjust as we step out of the short entryway and into an epic dance party.
I whistle, but the sound is instantly lost in the vibrating noise around us.
Natalie leans into my side as we take it in.
We’ve entered some sort of DJ show. The musician is up in his booth on a raised stage at the far side of the expansive room. And above him is a light bar shooting out colorful beams across the top of the writhing crowd.
A low wall divides the dance floor from a walkway around the back and sides, with openings at intervals that seem to lead to restrooms and a bar area.
It’s chaos.
And enticing.
Before we step onto the dance floor, a server comes over and hands us each a champagne flute.
Natalie tips her head back to look at me, her brows raised.
I tap my glass to hers. “Ready for an adventure?”
Her smile is wide as she lifts her glass. “So ready.”
Chapter 52
I rock with Luke.
My back to his front, his large hands gripping my hips.
It’s hot.
His body is hot.
And I’d rather melt into nothingness than step away.
He holds me tighter as we move with the music.
And I can feel him. Likefeel himagainst my ass.
The music vibrates through us, and my head lolls against him. My eyes are still closed, like they have been for the last several minutes. Maybe longer.
The hands on my hips move, sliding to my belly. One slides up so it’s just under my breasts.
Luke makes a noise that sounds like a groan, and I get it.