I don’t know how long we’ve been here, but the desire to have more of him is itching at my skin.
“Luke.” His name comes out as a plea.
A sweaty temple presses against mine. “I think we need to leave soon.”
I nod, agreeing.
That slushie, mixed with the champagne, tipped me past my limit.And the haze of pot smoke that filled the room a while ago has blurred the rest of my sobriety.
I’m not mad about it.
Not at all.
Because right now, I feel like the best dancer in the world. And with Luke wrapped around me, I feel like I can take on the world.
He makes me feel safe.
But I know we need to leave this place soon so I can properly enjoy the man, and the length, behind me.
I take a deep inhale, ready to pull away from Luke’s grip, when a voice stops me.
“Beautiful people!” the DJ shouts into his mic. “How you feelin’?”
Everyone cheers.
I smile and think the wordgoodwhile Luke whistles.
“It’s time.”
At the DJ’s announcement, the crowd cheers again. Louder than before.
I continue rocking with Luke, who’s still swaying behind me, holding me tightly.
The music hasn’t stopped, but the DJ quieted it just enough for him to be understood.
“Face your partner.”
It takes me a second to understand the DJ’s direction.
Maybe this is turning into a line dance.
Luke’s still holding me tightly, so I reach down and start to pry his hands free.
“Where do you think you’re going, Princess?” His words are thick against my ear.
He sounds the way I feel. Really good.
Heat fills me, and I miss the next thing the DJ says. But then Luke loosens his grip enough for me to turn and face him.
“Keep those bodies moving, side to side,” the DJ tells us.
I can’t focus on the whole crowd, but the people next to us are doing the same thing.
I press my hands flat against Luke’s chest.
“I like this part,” I say to him.
Luke leans closer. “What’d you say?”