I slowly turn to find Ash and Zach standing behind me in the hall.
“Are you fucking eighty?” I ask Ash, the one who spoke. “Who says chopped liver anymore?”
Ash shrugs. “My wife.”
I let him see my eye roll, even though I’m not at all surprised that Meghan uses a saying like that.
Zach smirks. “I already got to meet her.”
Ash shoves him. “You did not meet her. What you did was embarrass me.”
“Me?” Zach rears back. “I’m not the one who was making kissy lips on the big screen.”
“I wasn’t making kissy lips,” I groan, but they ignore me.
“No,” Ash keeps going. “But you were crawling all over Luke’s lap.”
“I just wanted to see the girl who has Luke’s panties all in a twist,” Zach argues.
“See? You were trying toseeher. You didn’t meet her,” Ash argues back.
“Christ.” I rub my temples. “Why am I friends with you guys?”
Ash looks me dead in the eyes. “Because we’re hot.”
“I hate you,” I tell him.
“You guys finally ready?” Jackson pushes me out of his doorway.
Together, we head down to the lobby of the Mazzanti Resort.
Some of our teammates are already gathered and waiting in the lounge area, but when they spot us, they all start heading to the door.
When Natalie said she might come to the game, I’d told her where we were staying and where we would meet her after the game.
We’re not supposed to share our rooms, but I told Natalie she could check her luggage with the front desk and stay with me.
I’d risk getting caught for another night with Natalie.
I pull out my phone to send her a text.
Me: On my way.
She replies right away.
Princess: Walk faster. I’m awkwardly lingering by some guys who look like they could be hockey players.
I snort.
Me: Keep it awkward. Can’t have them getting the wrong idea.
Princess: What wrong idea?
Me: That you’re available.
I slide my phone into my pocket and lengthen my stride.
Chapter 49