A second before the door opens, I look over at my Princess.
She’s staring up at me, those big eyes filled with a mixture of warmth and nerves. So, I do the only thing I can do.
I wink.
Chapter 47
The bastard winks at me.
My heart stutters, and I resist the urge to press my hand to my chest as the door to the penalty box is opened and Luke and the other player launch out of it.
Someone taps on my shoulder. “Do you know him?”
I turn to look at the woman one row back and two seats over. She’s stretched over her companion’s laps, her eyes wide and excited.
Biting my lip, I nod.
There’s no point in denying it.
Her smile is wide. “Awesome.”
I notice her green hoodie with the Sleet logo. A fellow fan.
She leans even closer. “Tell me he’s as good as I think he is.”
My cheeks flame at her question, and she snickers.
“Christ, Stacy,” the guy closest to her says as he drags her back into her seat, saving me from having to answer.
Facing forward, I try to act as normal as possible as I watch the end of the game.
And when there’s a break in the play, and the jumbo screen shows footage of Luke winking at me from the box, I pretend the clip won’t be recorded and played on TV.
Of course it will, but maybe some other athlete drama will unfold, and no one will care to figure out who I am.
Chapter 48
“Hurry up.”I pound on Jackson’s door.
He opens it, buttoning his shirt, with his phone against his ear. “Uh-huh, it’s him.” He looks right at me. “Eager as a puppy.”
I flip him off.
Jackson finishes with his shirt and moves the phone to his hand. “Yeah, I’ll text you updates. Night, Kitten.”
He finally hangs up with his wife, and I widen my eyes in the universallet’s gosymbol.
“I don’t know why you need me to come with you,” Jackson complains. “You’re gonna ditch me the second you find her.”
He’s not wrong. But also… “I want to introduce you.”
Jackson lifts a brow.
“And what are we, chopped liver?” someone other than Jackson asks.