Page 52 of Sleet Princess

Men are such children.

I shake my head and turn to face the game, letting them wrestle it out.

Less than thirty seconds pass before Luke taps on the glass between us.

When I turn my head, I make sure to keep my eyes on Luke and not on his teammate, who is still leaning over to look around Luke’s body.

Luke points at my chest.

His hand is bare, and I see his glove in his lap, held in place by his other gloved hand.

Those big hands.

My teeth dig into my bottom lip, and I move my eyes back up to meet his.

Luke is smirking, and he twirls his pointer finger in a circle, gesturing for me to turn around.

Realizing what he wants, I twist so he can see the back of my jersey.

The blank back of my jersey.

I debated getting one with his number. Then I debated the humor of getting one with one of his teammates’ numbers. But in the end, I decided plain was the safest plan.

When I turn back, Luke is looking at me with a flat expression and shaking his head.

I roll my eyes and point to the ice. “Pay attention.”

Chapter 46


I’m tryingto pay attention, like Natalie told me to, but she’s so close.

And she’s so pretty.

I shake my head again, thinking about her wearing a goddamn blank jersey.

I love that she bought one. Seeing her with my team name plastered across her chest does something to me. But I should’ve bought her one with my name on the back.

I’ll rectify that soon. And the one she has on now is going straight into the donation pile.

Zach bumps his elbow into my arm. “This why you’ve been itching for a fight all night?”

I bump him back. “If I’d known she was sitting right there, I’d have been in here first period.”

“Fair.” Then he makes a thoughtful noise. “I need to get Izzy seats next to the box.”

I snort. “You can’t afford to spend more time in here than you already do.”

I have to admit, I like how Jackson referred to Natalie asmy girlearlier. And Zach referencing his wife while we’re talking aboutNatalie makes me feel like they’re taking my feelings for Natalie seriously.

As of this exact moment, Natalie might not be my girlfriend, but that’s the goal.

The clock ticks down to the final seconds of our penalty.

And I’m pretty good at getting goals.

Zach and I stand, preparing to get released.