I step into the penalty box first, rolling my shoulder out.
Shuffling over, I sit at the end of the short bench closest to the crowd, leaving room for Zach.
Neither of us are strangers to the penalty box, but it’s kinda nice to be in with a buddy.
The ref starts the game again, and we watch.
“Fifteen minutes to stop them from scoring,” I say to Zach, glancing up at the clock.
We’re still up by one, and I’d love to just outright win this one.
Zach grunts his agreement.
I drag the back of my glove across my mouth, and movement has me glancing to the side.
I drop my hand from my mouth and turn my whole head to the side.
Sitting right there, right on the other side of the glass separating the penalty box from the crowd, is a girl.
Her dark hair is twisted up into a bun. She’s wearing a Sleet jersey over the most glorious pair of tits I’ve ever had in my mouth. And her amused green eyes are staring back at me.
I found my Princess.
Chapter 45
I pressmy lips together before mouthinghi.
Luke’s mouth pulls into a giant grin.
He’s so handsome it’s almost annoying.
Someone behind me asks, “Who’s that?” and I assume they’re talking about me, but I don’t bother answering.
Not that there’s an answer to give him anyway.
I’m not Luke’s girlfriend. Not really.
We’re just… friends. Who had sex on the beach in Mexico.
The player on the other side of Luke leans forward, trying to see what Luke is looking at.
Still grinning at me, Luke uses his arm to shove the other player back.
The other player shoves Luke in return, making Luke’s helmet-covered forehead thud against the glass between us.
Luke narrows his eyes, and I can’t stop my laugh.
Luke turns away from me to face the other guy and shoves him farther down the little bench. But then the other guy hooks an arm around Luke’s neck and pulls his head down so he can look over the top of Luke’s hunched back at me.
I lift my hand in a small wave.
The dude, Hunt, beams at me and says something to a struggling Luke.
Luke gets a jab into the man’s stomach, and Hunt finally lets go, only for them to shove at each other a few more times.