Meghan cringes but shrugs. “Sorry, I tell him everything.”
“I would like it if someone would tell me everything.” Zach glares around the group.
Jackson reaches out and claps Zach on the shoulder. “I’ll tell you when you’re older.”
Zach shoves his hand away. “I’m telling Dad to bench you next game.”
“I’m telling Dad,” Jackson repeats back to Zach in a mocking voice.
“Who’s his dad?” I ask no one.
Izzy, having heard me, lifts her hand. “My dad. I’m the coach’s daughter.”
I lift my brows. Bet that’s a story.
“Wait.” Ash cuts back into the conversation. “Did you keep the suit?”
“What fucking suit?” Zach looks at him, then jerks his gaze back to Luke. “Hold up.”
“Bye!” Luke says loudly as he turns us away from the group.
While we move away, I start to chuckle. And after two breaths, it turns into bigger laughter.
Blizz bang.
“Something funny, Princess?” Luke asks as he guides me to his vehicle, parked just around the corner.
“Nothing at all.” I smile up at him.
He meets my gaze. “Want to head home, or do you need to stop anywhere?”
“Take me home,” I tell him. “And take me to bed.”
Chapter 101
I wantto bottle the happiness in her eyes.
I want to keep it on my bedside. There to touch whenever I need to feel better.
So I do as my wife says.
I take her home.
And when we get home, I strip her bare.
And I take her to bed.
Chapter 102
The Travel Text Messages
Princess: Did you seriously eat all the coffee cake?
Luke: You were gone!