Page 133 of Sleet Princess

Princess: I was gone for one night. You ate the whole thing.

Luke: It was a long night. The bed is lonely without you.

Princess: Sucking up won’t get you out of this one, Player.

Luke: Fine, I’ll let you spank me when I get home Wednesday.

Princess: You’d like that too much. And I won’t be here Wednesday. I have to fly to Quebec that morning.

Luke: Fuck. I forgot.

Luke: That sucks.

Luke: You can still spank me though.

Luke: How was your meeting?

Princess: Productive. French.

Luke: Hold up. You speak French?

Princess: Pas bien.

Luke: What did you call me?

Princess: My French is barely passable.

Luke: I’ll be the judge of that.

Princess: How could you possibly do that?

Luke: It’s the language of love, right?

Princess: So some say.

Luke: That’s all I need to know, Green Eyes.

Princess: Bye, Luke.

Princess: Good luck at your game tonight.

Luke: Thanks, Wife. You going to watch?

Princess: Blizz and I have our spots ready on the couch.

Luke: Blizz the stuffed animal or the suit?

Princess: Are you honestly asking me if I draped the empty Blizz suit on the couch and put his head on the back cushion, so it’s like he’swatching too?

Luke: Well, when you word it like that… Yeah.

Princess: You are unwell.

Luke: I can’t believe I’m missing you by six hours.

Princess: I know. This is stupid.

Luke: When I’m offseason, I’m coming with you to the cool places you go.