Natalie backhands me in the stomach. “Quit laughing!”
I don’t block the hit; I’m too busy wiping tears from my eyes as we wait at a red light.
“I’m sorry,” I laugh. “I just…”
I didn’t know about the dude she hit in the face with a T-shirt out of the T-shirt cannon. Or, more specifically, the beer cup she hit that he was in the process of drinking from.
“It was awful.” She tries to sound serious, but when I glance over at her, she’s smiling.
“Did he at least catch the shirt?” I take my foot off the brake when the light changes.
“Yeah. Probably soaked in beer though.”
“Well, there you go. He got a free shirt and a great story.” I chuckle again. “I’m sorry I missed it.”
She huffs. “I’m sure it was recorded by somebody.”
I sit up straighter. “I’m gonna have to search for that.”
Natalie points out the windshield. “Turn up there.”
Following her directions, we pull into the parking lot of a hotel not too far from her office at the Biters training facility.
The hotel is fine. It’s just not the type of place I’d expect her to stay in, though I don’t know why I have that assumption.
“I can just run up,” she tells me.
I shift into park. “I’ll come with you.”
She doesn’t bother arguing, and we get out of the SUV together.
We meet at the back bumper and head across the blacktop.
The lobby doors automatically slide open as we approach, and I frown.
I know it’s a normal feature of a hotel, but I don’t like that she’s staying in such an unsecured building.
We walk through, and there isn’t even a visible employee behind the desk.
It’s getting late, but it’s notthat late.I’m sure the employee is sitting in some back room watching TV, but there should be someone watching who’s coming and going.
I don’t like this.
We get on the elevator, and I wrinkle my nose. It smells like the dance party we got married during, which is fine for a dance party, but not for a hotel elevator.
I really don’t like this.
The cab stops on the third floor, and I follow Natalie out.
She walks us to her room, and her door is at the farthest point from any of the fire exits.
“Nope,” I say as she unlocks her room.
“No what?” Natalie looks back at me as she enters the room.
“No, you aren’t staying here.” I follow her into the room. “Pack it all up.”
She stops and turns to face me. “What are you going on about?”