Page 112 of Sleet Princess

Jackson leans toward the open car window, then turns back to face us. “Katelyn wants to invite Natalie to their girls’ brunch on Sunday.”

“Aw, that’s nice of her,” Luke replies.

No, it’s not nice.

There is no way that Jackson isn’t going to tell his wife about what he walked in on in that locker room. I can literally never face that woman.

“It’s at our place at eleven,” Jackson tells us.

I’d rather eat gravel.

I poke at Luke’s back.

I’ve completely hidden myself from the other couple, but I hope he can read my energy.

“I’ll drop her off,” Luke calls back. Like a fucking traitor. “I can pick you up at the same time if you wanna go to Puck Off for food.”

I jab two fingers into Luke’s lower back, but he doesn’t even flinch.

“You’re paying,” Jackson replies.

I peek around Luke’s side, and Jackson has turned back to his wife.

“For the love of god.” I start to shove at Luke. “Get me into your car before I have to meet his wife looking like this.”

Luke huffs a laugh but takes my hand and leads me toward some sleek-looking SUV.

The fates finally smile down on me, and I get into the vehicle, seat belt buckled and door shut, before Jackson’s wife drives past us to exit the lot.

Another car passes as Luke climbs into the driver’s seat, and I assume it’s Jackson.

Luke tosses the Blizz suit into the back seat, then starts the engine, but as he reaches for the shifter, he pauses.

“What?” I ask, wanting him to hurry before anything else happens.

He turns toward me, his expression suddenly serious. “Will you come stay at my place tonight?”

I roll my lips, then nod.

I don’t know if it’s the right call. We still haveeverythingto sort out. But even with my lingering anger, I want to be near him. And it’ll give us time to talk.

His brows raise as he nods back. “Yeah?”

“Yeah,” I breathe. “But can we swing by my hotel for some stuff first?”

“Of course.” He starts to back out of the space. “Just tell me where to go.”

Chapter 87


Pullingout of the parking ramp, I turn the way Natalie directs me.

“So…” I drag the word out. “Care to explain why you were Blizz tonight?”

Natalie groans. “Not really.”

“Sorry,” I chuckle. “I shouldn’t have worded it as a question. Ineedto know.”