Page 24 of Bulls and Their Boy

For one thing, he was still on board with us, even after seeing that. We were rough that day, and he thought it was great. That truly amazed me, but then again, the guy got on top of angry bulls for a living.

I did my best moseying out to the barn to see if I could see what the sketches showed it could be.

The place was so big and empty, it was hard to see it with people milling around, mingling, flirting, having boys on leashes or on their knees as they watched people on the stage playing.

But, after a minute of walking around, I started to see it, especially the things Joel had suggested. It was plenty big enough to have a cordoned off area for a bull, hay scattered around for a cushion if someone fell, hay bales for a border.

Then it struck me, and I called Roland quickly.

“Burke, how are you? Have you guys decided yet?”

“Almost. I think we’re going with the ranch themed one, but we got a suggestion for a mechanical bull to be added. I’m just wondering about the feasibility of that along with how much that would make my insurance skyrocket.”

“Good points,” he said. “I’ll check into that for you, but you might want to ask your insurance carrier about it too. They might give you a deal. And I’ll draw up the bull ring into some new sketches if you’d like.”

“Do that but think of something else in the place of it, in case the insurance would break us, and add small, fake bars around the place, like a few against the walls and a few more up from the walls, big mirrors, stools, or as much as you can.”

“I’m seeing it. Maybe as tables, with a surface, to hold their drinks and things, but mostly it’s about the mirrors. I’ll have those to you soon.”

“Thanks, Roland.”

As I said that, Joel came into the barn, his eyes lighting when he heard me say Roland’s name.

“He comin’ back?”

“Not anytime soon, no, and we told you we wouldn’t do anything with him until you could be there too, if you join us.”

His walk was totally country, like he hadn’t been walking as much as riding a horse all his life. Bowlegged and sexy, that was Joel. “I ain’t tellin’ ya not to.”

“I know you’re not. It’s respect for you.”

“Respect? For me? I thought you wanted me to…ya know, be submissive or whatever.”

He had so much wrong, it was crazy. “Joel, honey, you would be every bit as cared for and respected as Damon and I are to each other. Do you understand that? Just because we’d want to…control you in ways and do things that some men would think beneath them, it’s just our way. It has nothing to do with how we’d treat you, like a partner in every way. Respect, trust, and hopefully, eventually, love.”

“Oh yeah? Love me?”

“Yeah, Joel.”

He smiled at that and whispered, “Well, I’ll be.”

I took his upper arms into my hands and looked into his eyes, trying to read him. “Would you want that?”

He blinked up at me like I was the one that was crazy for asking. “I’d be crazier than a loon not ta.”

I told Damon about the exchange later, when Joel was busy in the stable and Damon was helping with lunch.

As he handed me the lunchmeat, he whistled between his teeth. “No shit. That one is hard to figure out, isn’t he?”

“He seems to want to constantly fuck, and not be tied down…well, in the sense of never getting strange dick again, but yeah, he wants to be loved too. That’s not weird, but…it is! I didn’t get that from him.”

“He’s sweet, curious and most of all, he is willing to do whatever we want. We were talking too,” he informed me as I finished the sandwiches. “He looked at those sites we gave him, and he read every single one of them. Like word for word, and some of those were long. He hit links to read more, telling me all he’d learned. He’s fucking smart, but he talks like…”

“Like he’s some backwoods kid with no education, but I think something, and I could be way off. I think he does that as a kind of shield around him. I get the feeling he’s got a lot more brains in there than he shows. I don’t know, like I said, I could be way off.”

“No, I think you’re right. Like how he spies. Did you fathom he was in those woods?”

“No, and I was listening to find Roland, so he was either super quiet, or he can fly.”