Page 25 of Bulls and Their Boy

“All done,” Joel called as we heard the screen door slamming.

“Already?” Damon laughed and waved him into the kitchen. “Come eat then.”

“Hungry,” he said, sitting and grabbing one of the sandwiches from the plate I sat in the middle of the table. Damon brought us all a cold beer and we ate slowly while Joel wolfed down two sandwiches before either of us finished our first ones.

Where he put it, I didn’t know, but he worked hard, so that helped him keep that sweet little body.

Being at the table with the two of them, it was insanely hot. Watching them eating, the flirting they did while doing that, watching Joel lick the corner of his mouth…


I looked over to see Damon staring. “What?”

“Are you okay? Joel asked you something.”

I spun my head to him, and he was wide-eyed, waiting for an answer to a question I didn’t hear. “Sorry, Joel, I was off in thought.”

“Oh. Well, I’m wonderin’ what y’all do for money. You guys seem to have a bunch of it.”

“Right, oh, well, maybe not a bunch, but we get by alright. We both work over the computer. I set people up with security.”

“Oh,” he said simply and reached for another sandwich. “Is this okay?”

“Eat what you like, Joel.”

After he’d swallowed the first bite of the third sandwich, he asked, as casually as one would ask about the weather, “Y’all got big’uns right?”

Damon spit out his drink of beer and I absently patted his back while staring slack jawed at Joel as Joel asked, “You okay?”

“Big…ones,” I whispered, still patting Damon’s back as he continued to cough.

“Yeah. Big dicks. I like ‘em big!”

I was shocked so badly, I couldn’t answer. Once Damon could breathe again, he did. “Joel…yeah, we’re…okay down there.”

I was shocked again. Damon rarely was shy about talking about how big he was, and I don’t think I’d ever heard him call his dick, down there . Still, I understood, as Joel just kept throwing us for loops.

“Okay? Like, average?”

“Joel, we’re good sized,” I finally got out.

“Figured. You’re a big fella, and Damon, here, wears tight pants, so I been lookin’. He brought the sandwich to his mouth but didn’t bite. He set it back down and looked from one of us to the other, brows drawn tight. “Is that something y’all don’t want me to do?”

“Ask? About,” Damon set his fist to his mouth as he cleared his throat before continuing, “Our dicks?”

“Yeah. Some folks tell me that’s not good to ask people, but I figure it, iffin I’m gonna be gettin’ ‘em soon, I should know, right?”

“Why be surprised?” I asked rhetorically while laughing.

“Good. Good, good,” he said and bit into the sandwich.

Damon and I simply watched him chewing, grin on his face that showed a little piece of bread on his lip. Yes, Damon was very right. Joel was adorable.

Joel was heading out to do another rodeo, so he came by before leaving two days after he’d shocked us with the question about our dicks. Damon held him close and kissed the side of his head. I saw him worrying, wondering if Joel would be as good as his word, keeping himself from fucking other men.

It wasn’t like we had a commitment to him yet. We’d only started to explore the possibility, and yet I was the same, worried.

I kissed Joel chastely again, though I wanted to leave him wanting me with a more passionate show, but I held back, determined to see the rest through. If we were to have anything real, it couldn’t start with sex.