Page 23 of Bulls and Their Boy

The floors were covered in laminate over sawdust and peanut shells, to give the appearance of old saloons, and speaking of saloons, each booth was closed in with saloon doors, though much narrower than real ones. They’d be low enough to hide whatever the patrons might be getting up to while sitting there.

I passed them over to Joel and said, “These are our two picks. We can’t decide between them, so maybe help us out. I think it would be a nice surprise to have a place like a city club, barn outside, you know. Damon wants it full country, which I think is great, but a little cheesy.”

“Y’all trust my opinion?”

“Sure, Joel,” Damon said sincerely. “You can be truthful.”

“I like the barn style, but it needs more.”

I was hanging on to his every word. “More?”

“Yeah, like a mechanical bull. People love ‘em.”

I thought that was crazy, but Damon disagreed. “That’s…that’s actually a great idea. I mean, can you see it? Someone up there, riding all sexy? It would add some kitsch to the place, some fun besides the sexual stuff, but still be sexual, in a way.”

“Why only one bar?” Joel asked while looking over the sketches.

“We’re not serving alcohol, Joel. The guests can drink in their rooms, but we don’t want to have to get an alcohol license.”

“Yeah, but they got mirrors behind ‘em.”

I thought I saw where he was going, and Damon definitely did. “You mean, like a façade bar with stools, but with big mirrors behind it?”


“That’s fucking genius.”

As Joel pointed to the name on the sketches, he asked, “This that fella you all were fuckin’ the other day?”

Shocked mute, the both of us were, but we stared hard at him. Finally, Damon came out of his surprise enough to laugh, but I thought it was less funny. “Joel, were you spying on us that day?”

“Yeah. Sorry,” he said quickly, but didn’t look a bit remorseful.

Damon was cracking up, but I had to jump Joel’s ass. “Joel, you cannot be doing that!”

“Ya never said I couldn’t. Not ‘til now.”

“He’s got you there,” Damon got out as he continued to laugh.

“You two are going to make me go gray.”

“Eli says I’m curious. I ‘spect he’s right, but why do y’all do stuff where people can see iffin you don’t want to get seen?”

I opened my mouth to answer, but shut it again quickly, as I didn’t have an answer to that.

Damon saved me. “We’re on our own property, Joel. You’d get shot if you went lurking around other people’s property around the country, right?”

“I ‘spect.”

Like nothing fazed him. He simply nodded and waited for us to ask more. He was incredible. And a handful…

“Then, don’t ever do that again. Except with us, but like we said, we won’t be fooling around for a while with anyone. Not until and if you are with us doing it. I think we can make that promise to you, if you reciprocate.”

“Yessir, I can do that. ‘S long as you don’t take too long. A man has needs.”

With Damon practically drooling, he agreed, “A man certainly does have needs, Joel.”

When they headed to the stable to work on whatever project Damon had going there, I cleaned the house and ate an apple for breakfast. Thinking of Joel seeing what we did with Roland, it made me laugh.