Page 129 of Bulls and Their Boy

So, having Noah and Eli come in such a circle, to find each other, to fall in love, to explore their kinks and come out on the other side, more in love. They were free to spend the rest of their lives together, we celebrated with them, and with one another.

It was the perfect start of a place that we wanted to share moments just like that.

Soon, Eli was placed in the stocks and not one sound could be heard in the big space. I held the branding iron; one he’d had made special for Eli. It was much smaller than the ones he used on his cattle, but the same, two Os together, but to me, it looked like the symbol for infinity. And I supposed, for them, that was exactly what it meant.

After carefully unsnapping the harness from the briefs, Noah pulled them down to Eli’s ankles, just to the straps there. Eli was bound well, so he wouldn’t move and possibly injure himself or fuck up the brand.

Noah lit the torch, and I heard a few gasps, but mostly it stayed quiet. The iron turned bright red, angry red and I felt the tension in the room elevate. Most of the people crowd were sitting on the edges of seats, all leaning in to catch the rare branding, and I felt like I’d explode with my own anxiety.

Brian moved around to check on Eli, and I heard whispering from the doctor, but all Eli did was nod, and Brian patted his face, then came around to tell Noah that Eli was ready.

I handed the iron to Noah, and he nodded curtly at me, smiling, and I saw the fear in his face, but much more. He knew he wanted this, knew it was right for them, and that confidence shone through like the sun coming up in the east each morning, to light our beautiful country home.

He moved to Eli and set a hand on his upper left ass cheek, the opposite cheek of the ass he was going to brand. “Settle, baby. Keep calm for me.”

“Yes, Sir. I’m ready.”

The red-hot branding iron was pressed to Eli’s upper right ass cheek, and it stayed there for much longer than I thought it would. The sound and smell were shocking, a sizzle that was so loud in all that quiet. Sure, it was only a couple of seconds, but it felt like hours while Eli wailed so loudly, his screams echoed in the big barn and over the crowd of onlookers.

When Noah took it away, he immediately dunked the iron in the bucket of water, and we all heard the hiss of it as it cooled so quickly. Then he was quick to get Eli down from the stocks and into his arms.

Eli was sobbing but through that shined his smile. He raised an arm to wave to everyone, showing he was okay, and I thought I’d go deaf from the roar of the patrons, all on their feet, screaming, clapping, whistling.

I turned to Joel and Damon and Joel was yeehawing and whoopying loudly while Damon clapped his hand so hard, I knew they’d begin to hurt soon.

Eli stood, naked except for his hanging harness, and someone called out, “Not gonna be sitting anymore tonight!”

Noah countered, “Sure, he is! He’s gonna be sittin’ on my dick!”

Chapter Twenty-Nine

We opened the chair seat and started inviting certain men to go up to manhandle Joel, but with rules. No one could make him come, and if he used his safeword, they were to immediately back off.

While people were relaxing into the night, we saw sex starting to happen all over the place. Damon and I did a couple of sweeps, speaking to people, watching for anything that shouldn’t be happening, but we came back together near the restrooms in the back and had a perfect view of all the small shows happening on the floor, even as a sweet sub was getting banged by two men on the stage.

Beast and his boys were all over each other, the blond, PJ, fucking the small, cute Sebastian over the table and Beast was being sucked by Gerome and Clover.

Xen was sitting on Memphis’s lap, and they were making out like a couple of teenagers, and Thiago, well, that little fucker had them all beat. He was stuffing cash down the briefs of three of the go-go dancers while they were all over him and his blond buddy, sucking them, feeling over their bodies, and Thiago’s head was thrown back as he enjoyed the attention.

“That fucker is gonna be living around here.”

“Yeah, I know.”

Hud came over, his arm around a man we knew well. Roland. “Gonna head up to a room,” he said as he was near the stairs. “This is?”

“Roland,” Damon said, shaking his hand. “When did you sneak in here?”

“Not long ago. I missed the branding, I hear.”

“You did,” I affirmed. “But there’s going to be more shows…but looks like you’ll be occupied.”

“For now, yeah,” he said, glancing up at the big man.

“Gonna plow his ass for a bit, but we’ll be back. I might have to carry him back down, though,” Hud bragged with a wink. “Watch that pain in the ass for me, huh?”

“Security is tight tonight, so have some fun.”

Speaking of security, one of the bouncers rushed over to us right then and said, “There’s someone outside, he’s got a few friends, and…they’re asking for Joel to be sent out.”