Page 130 of Bulls and Their Boy

Hud broke with us, and Beast saw us rushing and called, “Need some help?”

“Yeah,” I hollered back, and he stood and stuck his dick back in his pants, joining us as we got to the door. It was Joel’s father and three other men, about his age, one with a shotgun.

Damon whispered, “If Joel sees this, it’s going to ruin his fucking night.”

Hud heard him and said, “We got this.”

Beast puffed up, Hud stood as tall as he could, which was massive, and I walked with them over to the men. The three of us, plus a much smaller Damon, and the two bouncers all stood in a line between the men and the club.

The eyes of the men were huge as they saw the size of all of us, standing there, not intimidated by them or their gun. Hud roared, “Think you all need to leave, being you weren’t fucking invited here.”

“Where’s my boy,” Joel’s father squeaked, though I was sure, his voice was meant to sound stronger.

“He’s inside, and that’s where he’s going to stay,” I said, stepping out from the line to move closer to him. “He lives here, and he’s happy. I’m never going to let you hurt him again. Ever, and neither are these other men.”

“You all…you all in some kind of cult!”

“That would be you,” Damon sneered. “Leave him alone. This is the last I’m going to tell you.”

Noah came running up and then stopped when he saw the men. “Asherton! Brent! What the fuck are you fellas doin’ with this piece of horse shit?”

“He said you all was in some cult, holdin’ his boy captive!”

“He ain’t in no cult, and he’s sure as fuck ain’t captive. You all know he’s gay. He loves these fellas, that’s all. Ain’t a bit o’ wrong going on here, and you all need to get home and tend your own places and never mind what happens in someone else’s. We don’t go lookin’ in your bedrooms, do we?”

The shotgun lowered, and the man said, “Ain’t goin’ up against these boys. They’re big as houses. Probably wouldn’t feel a shot if I did it.”

“You can’t leave!” Joel’s father shouted at the others as they started to get back in their trucks and cars. “They’re raping my boy!”

“Rape? You know he’s gay,” I hollered at him. “You’ve bashed him over it repeatedly. He’s finally settled and happy!”

Blustering, he got back in his car, vowing to return. Hud waved at him. “We’ll be here.”

Damon growled, “I’m beginning to think he’s going to end up being pig shit.”

“If Pam has anything to say about it, he will,” I said.

“What’s this about pigs? That’s where we’re living,” Hud said, walking back toward us. “Javi sent me an address for Sunday night, when I move the pain in the ass from here. Some…fucking pig farm.”

“The pig farm? You guys bought that?” Noah yelled. “Hell! I was wondering why Flynn took off like he did, all happy as his damn pigs in mud. Says he can finally retire.”

“Javi did say he made the guy a great offer, I was just afraid the offer was move or die.”

“I’d have fought for Flynn. Good man but getting old. Well, great! You all keeping the hogs?”

Hud shrugged a meaty shoulder. “I’m just the help. You’ll have to ask that little fucker inside covered in go-go ass.”

“Speaking of ass, I better get back to my boys,” Beast said. “They tend to go crazy when I’m not watching them.”

“Thanks, Beast,” I said, shaking his hand.

“Security was always my job; it was fun getting back to it.”

“Speaking of getting back to a boy, I got one waiting and my time on the private room is ticking,” Hud said, then he ran off. Noah, Damon and I walked back together.

“That kid, the one full of snot and mean looks is gonna be living around here now?”

Damon sighed, “Yeah, Noah. A friend came to help us with Harvey, saw this area and thought it would be a good place to stash the little creep.”