Page 123 of Bulls and Their Boy

Damon was chuckling as he stripped down to get to the shower. “Please, tell me it’s panties. I need to see Joel in pink lace.”

Joel gave Damon a nasty glance, but mostly kept his eyes on the bag and his lip stuck out like a child pouting. “It’s pan’ies, I know it.”

I handed the bag to him, laughing. “See for yourself. Big baby.”

He barely opened the top to peek in, then opened it more as his brows drew tight. “What the hell?”

“What is it, Joel?” Damon asked, stepping closer to him.

“It ain’t pink! Well, hell!”

He pulled them out and held the leather garments in his hands, the bag dropping to the floor, forgotten. “I don’t git it.”

“Lord, this is a collar shirt,” I said, holding up the top. It had a shirt collar and front enough to cover his shoulders, then two snapping straps around the arms. “This will show off your chest and belly.” The other garment was a black leather jock to match, but it wasn’t just any jock. I held it by the two O rings and explained, “This jock strap is special. It’ll show off that pretty ass of yours, and these two rings are where Damon and I will hook our leashes on you.”

“No kiddin’?” He took the jock back and held it upside down, then twisted it around a little. “This is nice!”

“Burke, he’s going to look stunning in those!”

I winked at him. “He will. The top comes off fast for the stage, too. There’s one more thing, Joel. It’s still in the bag.”

He snatched it off the floor and looked inside, then scowled. “It’s lacey! Where the hell’s that goin’?”

I took the bag from him and pulled out the lace mask. “On your face, you fucking asshole.”

He took it and slid it over his head. “I can see. What’s it fer?”

“You’re shy around people, Joel, and I want you to enjoy yourself. You won’t have your hat to hide behind, and you won’t be flirting with everyone. Actually, you won’t be flirting with anyone. Tonight, we pick our companions. You’re in full submission, remember. No speaking to anyone unless we give you permission, no flirting or gathering men. You’re ours now, and you’ll obey us. But, I thought, with people you aren’t comfortable with, you can have this on.”

“No kiddin’? Burke! That’s jus’ thoughtful as hell. Thank ya!” I was kissed hard for the gifts, and I hugged my boy tight to me.

“Not on stage, though,” Damon added. “For that, you are gonna shine, nothing to cover your handsome face.”

“A’ight then.”

We all showered together, playing around, laughing, kissing, but we didn’t touch one another, choosing to save it for the club. I got out and got my new clothes and handed Damon his own bag. “Here. I didn’t forget my other pookie.”

“Aw, Burke! Really?” He took the bag from me, and it was bigger and heavier than Joel’s. “What the hell?”

“You’re starting to sound like Joel. Just pull them out.”

He did, and he held the black leather chaps in his hands, and like Joel, the bag with the rest fell to the floor. “Chaps. Fucking chaps! Burke, these are fucking gorgeous!”

I got another kiss for that, and I picked up the bag and handed it back to him. “There’s more.”

“Oh, right,” he said, but waited until he handed Joel the chaps. He pulled out the black briefs with the leather waistband and ran the silky material of the brief itself over his hand. “This is beautiful. These are going to look amazing with the chaps.”

“I thought so. Keep going.”

The last thing in the bag was a leather chest harness, and for him, it was a simple one with straps that went over his shoulders and crossed on his back. “I want to see your whole chest.”

“Love this. My old harness was haggard.”

My men loved on me for a long while, kissing me, feeling me up and then Damon thought about it, asking, “Where’s yours?”

“I got myself a new harness as well, but for me, I’m sticking with jeans for comfort for most of the night, but for fun, I got aa jock too, one that opens in the front.”
