Page 124 of Bulls and Their Boy

“Nice?” Joel protested. “Why you ain’t gotta show yer ass?”

“I will be, when I’m fucking you on stage.”

“Oh,” he said, thinking it over. “Well, a’ight then.”

The last surprise was three new pairs of boots. Joel took his from the closet where I’d hidden them and looked them over. They were knee-high, lace front and leather to match the rest of his outfit.

Damon’s were low cuffed biker boots that almost drooled over. “Joel, you’re going to have a time, licking over these.”

“Damn,” he said, getting hard.

“Keep that thing tamed,” Damon warned, flicking his dick, making Joel jump and holler. “You’ll know when it’s time to fuck.”

Chapter Twenty-Eight

We made it to the club and went in through the back, Joel running around with the mask off so he could start turning on the lights and getting the music started. I checked the microphone on the stage, and Damon took care of lining up the drinks.

We had a small buffet with cold cuts and snack foods, and Joel got all that set up after he’d taken care of the lights.

The two bouncers came into the back and set up close to the front door, then the bartender we’d hired came in last, surprised Damon had already readied the drinks and glasses. Between their arrival, the go-go boys, on loan from Chaps, came, and they all took their places in the tiny corrals placed around the space. Once the doors were opened, they started to dance, but before that, they all let us have our moment.

It was ready when seven rolled around, and the three of us stood in a circle, our hands clasped. It felt big, and of course it was, but much bigger than the opening of some club. This was us, us on blast, who we were, what we were as a triad, and the love between the three of us was thick. “You both, you mean everything to me. No matter what happens tonight, who we might fuck, what all we get up to, that comes first. Always.”

Damon smiled at me, then over to Joel. “This is our night. Like Burke so aptly said, no matter what this night is, it’s ours. We love first, fuck second and over all that, we live, together, strong, happy.”

“I love y’all. More ‘an I thought I could.” Joel’s eyes leaked a couple of tears, and he smiled through them so beautifully.

“Are we ready?”

Damon nodded and let go of our hands, and Joel let go of mine so he could get the mask over his eyes, and the lace looked beautiful, covering half his face and around his head. Damon and I fixed our leashes onto his jock, and he stood between and just a step behind us, where we knew he’d feel more comfortable. The bouncer opened the doors, nodding to the first of the many that were lined up outside, and then, they came.

We shook hands, kissed cheeks and introduced Joel to those that hadn’t met him. Old friends from clubs, new friends, they all filed into the place, all ready for a night of debauchery and old-fashioned fun.

Everyone wore their leather best, some in full regalia from leather hats to thigh-high boots, sashes and leather shirts. That included Eli’s psychologist, Brian Lauder, who dressed in head-to-toe leather and was followed in by his two scantily clad men in leather jocks and harnesses. “Burke, Damon, and your boy, it’s wonderful. Thank you for inviting us.”

“You’re so welcome. Please, enjoy.”

Right off, people gravitated to the mural, everyone admiring it, and when Xen and Memphis came in, Xen was on his tiptoes to see what people were saying.

“So far, everyone is blown away, Xen,” I said.

Memphis puffed up and led his pink-pantied boy into the club and over to take the compliments he so well deserved.

There were already boys tied to the hitching posts, and one of the daddies with littles was checking out the spring horses. His boy, dressed in shorts and a crop top, sucking a huge lollipop, giggled as he got on one.

Hud came through the door, and I introduced Damon and Joel to him. “He’s going to be living around here, somewhere, taking care of?”

“The pain in the ass,” Damon leaned into whisper.

“That’s him. Where is he? I tried to go to his room to introduce myself, but his little blondie friend said he was sleeping.”

“Haven’t seen him yet, so enjoy it while it lasts.”

“I will.”

Beast and his boys came in after Hud, and Beast watched Hud walking in before him, staring at the man. “Thought I was big.”

“We so rarely feel dwarfed, right?”