Page 115 of Bulls and Their Boy

Speaking of which, Pez pointed to the spring animals. “What…the hell?”

“Mostly for fun, but I’ve heard from at least one guy I know that has two littles that live with him. They’re going to be on those the whole time they’re here, he said.”

“That’s cute. I never would have thought of them,” Pez whispered.

The stocks were beautiful, old wood, thick iron locks and hinges, on a four-by-four piece of wood that was as beautiful as the rest of the wood with metal O rings to use to tie a boy’s feet. It was perfect.

I sidled beside Joel and whispered, “You are going to look so hot locked in there. Exposed, available for us to play with your ass whenever we want…”

“Shush,” he said, giggling.

Sean boasted as we brought out the last piece from the big crate. “This one is the best. I’ve tried it out, but don’t worry, I cleaned it,” he said, laughing. “My Ked sure liked it.”

It was a chair, but not any chair. It was made of oak, so it was strong, solid, but moveable. The seat opened so a boy could sit in it and be played with under it, and there was a tall pole on the top of the back, to secure their head.

Leather and metal made up the straps for the wrists and forearms on the arms of the chair, and there were more straps for the ankles on the front legs. It was a gorgeous piece of furniture, and it was going right on stage. I had plans to bind Joel to it, each night we were open, instead of tying him to the hitching post like we’d threatened. He’d be up there for every show while Damon and I were busy taking care of our guests.

“Let’s get this one on the stage, fellas.”

Joel turned red as could be as he stared at the thing, like he knew he’d be getting to know it, up close and personal. But I did catch him smiling.

When we were finished with the equipment, we unloaded the boxes of clothing, lube, condoms, dildos and the rest of the items we’d gotten from the Slutae lines. Joel started to take the Slutae and Cowpokes personalized towels up to the private rooms, and while he was up in the loft, I told the others, “This is all new for him.”

“We all start somewhere,” Pez said. “Xen said he is into it though.”

“He is. Damon and me, we worry we’re gonna push him too hard, or not hard enough. It’s different, having a partner that’s a sub. I never realized how much. Not someone new to it, that is.”

“I have a friend that was scared to death of it, but the guy he fell for loved it. Sebastian was so afraid of being hurt, of being tied down, literally and figuratively, that he wouldn’t go out with Beast for months.”


“You and he could compete for being massive, but he’s even bigger than you.”

“I see. How did he deal with it?”

Pez moved in, whispering, “Beast isn’t a spanking kind of Dom. He likes…group activity. In fact, he and Sebastian have five other guys with them, and they all do porn.”

“No shit? I think Memphis mentioned them a couple times. Well, shit, we’re poly too, or Joel wouldn’t be with us, I don’t think. He felt the same way, didn’t want monogamy or that with us two even.”

“My Master is very possessive, but it works for us.”

“Please, come, bring your friends to the opening. I don’t know where we’ll put everyone, but we’ll manage.”

“We’re ready. It’ll be a nice retreat. We live in the mountains, but we’d love to come and get a vacation from home.”

After they left, Damon and Joel were playing around in the barn, or should I call it the club? Yes, it was no longer a simple barn. Anyway, I went to the computer and started to open my email when I saw how many I had.

All of them were requests for not only memberships, but for admittance for that opening weekend. I added it in my head and there was no way, unless everyone left that night after the fun, to drive possibly a hundred miles or more home.

I was freaking out a little when Joel and Damon came into the guesthouse. “What’s wrong, babe?”

“We have a full house for opening night. There are a hundred and fifty people that want to come for that first night alone, and if we can’t let them come, if we have nowhere to house them…we don’t have that kind of room!”

“Babe,” Damon said, bringing me into the bedroom and up the stairs to the bed and setting me on the edge with him. “We’ll figure something out!”

“Tents,” Joel said with a shrug. “What’s that there that those fancy folks’re doin’? Fancy tentin’?”

Damon turned to me while I was trying to decipher what Joel was saying, but he got it easily. “Glamping! Fuck! That’s genius! We were wondering, already, if we got popular how fast we could bring in more of the tiny homes. We have three coming, what? Tomorrow? We have four rooms here, that covers how many? Depending on the number of guests per party, it covers at least fourteen.”