“Out of a hundred fifty people, Damon.”
“We make it a party. Cookouts, tents, shit, people can bring their own tents for a big discount. For those without them, we provide them, get some nice lamps for the rooms, beds, all of it, and stock the tents with the lube, condoms, we rent a few port-o-pots and outdoor showers. We’ll make it a real event.”
“Whoooweeee, that’s a good idea!”
“It was yours, Joel,” I said, and my anxiety began to wane. “That really is a good idea. This place, part of it was the rustic appeal of it.”
“Sure,” Demon yelled. “The rustic appeal for those used to the sterile, dark clubs in the cities. This could make a huge impact.”
“It really could.”
“What I gotta do?”
I jumped down from the bed to pace as the plans came to me. “We need tents, like those nice canvas ones, big, almost yurt sized, then smaller ones. We need to hit those emails, see exactly how big the individual parties will be. Hell, some people might not mind doubling and tripling up if they come alone. This could fucking work out great.” I went to Joel and kissed him hard. “You are a fucking genius! If I ever hear you think differently, I’ll lock you in this cage for a year.”
“I can be smart ‘bout some thin’s, surely. I know where to get the tents.”
We both stared at him.
“Army surplus, couple towns over. Got sales on the dang thin’s all the time. Can’t get rid of ‘em.”
“Joel, take your truck and get there in the morning. Buy all the tents you can, all of them! Damon and I will hit the emails, then order some cheap beds, but nice linens, pillows, the works.”
“Hanging Moroccan lamps,” Damon said, his own mind spinning with ideas. “No flames, we’ll do the flameless candles, and the Slutae and Cowpokes towels in each tent, the brochures in each, we need a couple of those big grills…”
“Noah’s got one of them. Barrel grill he calls it, made right out o’ a barrel.”
“Perfect. We’ll borrow that, and we’ll need charcoal, burgers, hot dogs, all of that.”
The planning went on for three days. Once we figured in how many people we could fit in the tents, it was doable, and not only that, but people were also excited at that prospect. Many would bring their own camping gear, some choosing to sleep outdoors without tents.
“An event,” Damon said. “Not only a club, Burke. An event.”
“How do we keep them from flooding the town, though? We’re trying to keep what we’re doing up here from the locals at least somewhat.”
“We talk to ‘em, the folks comin’,” Joel said simply. “We tell ‘em not to go a-flauntin’ their dildos and such ‘round town. Then, nobody’s much gonna care. Oh, there’s some finicky folks ‘round here, but mostly they’s good enough. Like Noah says, they want to mind their own business. My daddy got plumb run out.”
He had gone to several people in town, complaining about us taking advantage of his son, but they all knew Joel, and when Noah got in their ear and told them how happy Joel was with us, they were glad for him and pushed the man and his pious wife right out.
Not to mention we were buying plenty from every store in town, and that greased a lot of wheels.
The tents were up and airing, which they needed, being in storage so long. Damon, for once, was the decorator and I marveled at what he was able to do with them in such a short time.
The clock was ticking, the calendar days were being crossed, and the closer we got, the more nervousness and excitement hit me.
It had been a joke, mostly, when I told Damon my price for moving to the country. A club, out in the middle of nowhere. I thought he’d okayed it simply to get me to move, but the more we thought about it throughout the move, the more we wanted to at least try it.
Looking inside the place, how beautiful it was, campy, fun but beautiful. Everything was set, we were mostly ready. I had that time to reflect, and as I did, my mother called. I felt guilty, answering the call while I was in the club, so I hurried outside before I answered. “Hey, Ma.”
“Oh, you remember you have a mother?”
Here we go… “Of course, I do. The prettiest, sweetest, most understanding mother in the entire world!”
“Shut up,” she said, laughing. “How are you? How is that new guy?”
“Oh, Mom, he’s so sweet. He’s with us now, living with us, and you’re gonna love him. We plan to have you and dad out during Christmas.”
“Oh, lord. That should be fun,” she drawled sarcastically. “Me in the woods with bears and snakes and all.”