Page 103 of Bulls and Their Boy

Damon covered his smile as he stood near the table. I watched Joel rising, awkwardly, and pushed him back to his knees again. “Fluid. Graceful.”

“I’m a dang bull rider! I ain’t graceful!”

“Damon, my love, can you fetch the ball gag from the trunk.”

“Shit, reminds me, I need to get them ready to take to the guesthouse today. Sure, babe, be right back.”

“Ball gag? What the hell for?”

“That fucking mouth. What’s our first rule, you loud-mouthed little brat?”

“Shit fire an’ save the matches, I’m sure as hell sorry. Sir.”

He quieted his mouth, but his body was fidgeting badly. I laid my hand over his head, and he stopped. “Good boy.”

“I’ll do ‘t all, I will work hard, I swear it!”

“I know you will, sweet baby boy. I have every confidence in you.”

“Ya do?”

God, he could be sweet, but annoying. “Damon! Gag!”

“Right here, master of the universe,” he said, coming nearly to the table and tossing it to me. I caught it and dangled it in front of Joel.

“Open wide.”

Devlin had the house ready for us, but we took another hour before we left to move for the week. Joel spent that time learning to rise from a kneeling position. It was torture for him, and I secretly loved it. In fact, he’d done it well the last ten times, but I was having too much fun to stop. Damon called me on it as Joel was loading our things into the back of his truck.

“You are a fucking sadist.”

“Yeah. And?”

“You’re becoming as good a Dom as me,” he sighed. “It’s a proud moment.”

“Gee, Damon, thanks a bunch,” I drawled sarcastically, but of course, he ignored the sarcasm.

Looking over to me, he said sincerely, “You’re so welcome!”

When we got to the guesthouse, each of them started to unload the truck, but I stopped them. “Hold on, fellas. I have a surprise for you two. Before you load anything into the house, come with me into the bedroom.”

Joel’s gag was off, which I regretted immediately. “Hot damn, we’s fuckin’!”

I stopped him and growled, “Not fucking. We’re moving, but right now, go into the bigger bedroom at the end of the hall.”

He cocked his head at me, and Damon did the same. It was almost cute if it wouldn’t have been so irritating. They looked like a couple of deaf mutts. “Just go.”

I followed them down the hall, and heard Damon gasp, then Joel shout, “What in the Sam Hell?”

I turned into the bedroom to see them both staring in my surprise.

The bed there was a king, like the bed in our room at the main house. Under it was a cage, built just for Joel.

“Burke…what the hell? Devlin built this?”

“Yes. I kept remembering that Memphis had built one for Xen. I thought we might like our own, for our boy.”

Joel leaned over to look inside, and I was a nervous wreck. I thought for sure he’d take it as I did not want him in bed with us. I was wrong. He stood straight and turned to me, then flew into my arms. “Like Xen. Ya wanna keep me.”