Page 104 of Bulls and Their Boy

“That’s the idea.”

He looked up to me, grinning in a happy, goofy way, like in the picture Xen had painted. “I love it! I sleep there, right?”

“And we take you out each morning, or sooner, if we wake and want to fuck you.”

He left me to open the door of it, crawling in, bouncing a little on the mattress.

It had a long flat mattress to one side, but there was a lamp, a small bookcase and pillows all around. I’d wanted it to be a space he could retreat to, even as it was a cage for him.

The height of it had been a problem, so Devlin made two sets of stairs, one on each side of the bed so we could easily get in when it was time for sleep, or other things. Devlin would have his men move it to the main house when we moved back there.

Damon kissed me and whispered, “This was perfect. He loves it.”

“He’s gonna look hot, crawling in and out, naked.”

“You are brilliant.”


We toured the rest of the house after Joel came back out of the cage. We had only seen it a few times while being remodeled, and Devlin and his crew had done an amazing job.

There were four rooms there for guests, a small parlor and dining room, plus the kitchen. They’d have to share three bathrooms, but we thought that was a small price to pay. We hoped, anyway.

The attic was for the heater and AC unit, and there was a small room there for extra food and toiletries. The kitchen was simple, clean and white, and fully stocked with cooking and dining necessities and the bathrooms were modern and sleek. Everything was how we’d envisioned it, and better.

“I can’t wait to see how they do on the main house,” I said, more to myself than I partners. Joel came up beside me in the kitchen as I was looking through the cabinets. “This place is purty.”

“Glad you like it, Joel. After the guest come, I want you to take pride in this place.”

“I’m proud now! This place is home. Even out ‘ere.”

That made me happy to hear that, Joel considering it his home. I’d said lingering doubts came and went, and they were mostly quieted. More so each time Joel said things like that.

Damon and I got busy hooking up the Wi-Fi router in the guesthouse and checking it. The rural area didn’t have the best internet, but we’d paid for the best, and so far, it was working fine.

We added Xen’s pictures to the website and made more flyers online with them. We included two pictures of Joel in front of it, officially making him the face of the business.

As we worked on the computers, Joel tended to the animals, and on the third day of our stay in the guesthouse, Damon’s goats arrived, all four of them. Two babies, that even I had to admit were the cutest things I’d ever seen, but two grown females too.

Damon and Joel were in heaven with the ninnies and the kids. That’s what they’re called, I shit you not. I thought they were fucking with me when they said it, so I looked it up on my phone. Sure enough, ninnies and kids. The two “kids” were female too, and that’s what Damon wanted. Females to make milk.

“Don’t we need a man…male…a fucking goat with a dick?”

“We barter for that,” Damon said to me, exasperated. “And those are called Billy goats.”

“Oh, like the story or whatever. Really?”

Joel laughed as he held the black and white baby while Millie barked nearby, ready to be let into the little pen to play with the new members of our growing family.

“Millie, hesh-up! They’s too little for ya to rough play wit’ ‘em.”

The pen was near the stable, just on the mountain side of it, and Joel fretted over that for winter. “Might ‘ave ta bring ‘em inside durin’ the win’er. Gonna get cold for ‘em.”

“Into…into the house? No! Not a fucking chance, I won’t have it! Damon!”

“Into the stable, Burke,” he said, staring at me, as was Joel.

“Yeah, Sir. Gotta get a good runnin’ heater in it, but…you would never bring ‘em in the house! They’d eat up the furniture.”