Page 133 of Until I Claim You

Edwin leans over me, his lips ghosting over mine, so light it’s almost not a kiss. “I love you. You know I love you.”

“And now you know I love you too.”

He hovers over me for a moment, then closes that tiny gap between our mouths. Hushed and hot, sealing us into forever.

There’s a knock on the door to my room, a sound sharp enough to make my head throb.

Edwin draws away. “That’s probably a nurse. Time for more pain meds.”

“Thank god, my head is…”

Edwin hushes me with a thumb across my lip. “Close your eyes. Rest.”

“I don’t want to rest. I want to look at you.”

He takes my hand and brings it to his mouth. “You’ll have plenty of time to look at me when you’re better.” Edwin kisses each of my knuckles. “Forever, if that’s what you want.”

Forever is a very long time, a time I’ve never been able to conceptualize, not even with my own father.

Forever with Edwin seems impossible to avoid. So, I will give in and fall down, down, down for all eternity.

The next day,the world seems clearer and brighter, not just because the sun has come out.

Edwin is at my bedside. In his hand, a historical romance he bought in the hospital gift shop with a couple groping at each other in clothing that I know for a fact isn’t appropriate to the era.

He’s reading to me.

What kind of man reads to a girl?

The perfect man. That’s the answer.

“Let’s see…” He tries to find his place on the page.

Edwin has his reading glasses on. I’d never seen them on before. Says he just needs them for reading before bed or night driving. It’s so damn cute to see them perched on the end of his nose.

“’Hannah grabbed at his breeches and pulled until Everett was entirely exposed, his steel rod standing at attention.’”Edwin stops. “I don’t think ‘steel rod’ is a particularly sexy term.”

“What would you call it, then?” I scoop up a spoonful of hospital mandated Jell-O.

Edwin grits his teeth in thought. “Probably what it is.”

“You can’t write the word ‘penis’ in a romance novel. Not when they’re being sexy. That’s so wrong.”

He snorts. “That’s ridiculous.”

“Okay, think about it. If we were about to get it on–”

“Already off to a good start.”

I roll my eyes, unable to keep from grinning. We haven’t fucked nearly enough for my taste at this point, but I guess we have a lot of time to change that. “If I said, ‘I want your penis in me,’ how would that make you feel?”

Edwin closes the book, folding his arms over it against his chest. “Well, I’d get hard.”

“Okay, well, would it change anything if I said, ‘I want your cock in me’?”

One of his eyebrows rises. “Harder.”

“Case and point.”