Page 24 of All My Love

“How about two bedtime stories?” I nudge him, smirking. “I brought the Wimpy Kid book we started last month. It’s in my bag.”

His beautiful eyes widen. “I’ll get it! I gotta get my blankie from Daddy’s room, too.” He slides off the couch, his bare feet slapping the floor as he hustles down the hall, into Hudson’s room. I watch him disappear, and keep my eyes trained on the open doorway.

I’m jealous of Bear at this moment. How easily and freely he runs into Hudon’s room, touching his things, breathing his air. I want that kind of access to Hudson.

“I can’t find my blankie!” Bear shouts, frustration rattling his little voice.

I don’t get up to help.

I’ve been in his bedroom hundreds of times. No one has been in the house while I have, and I won’t start now.

I love Bear. And that love and respect I have for him is completely separate from how I feel about his daddy. I won’t ever use Bear to get close to Hudson. I don’t and won’t need to. I will show Hudson that I am his, and the fact that I love Bear will only complementourbond.

And when that happens, I’ll be able to go into his room and enjoy the way my cunt clenches at just the sight of his shower, the way my tits ache when I look at his tousled sheets and imagine him and I there, on our sides, Hudson sliding his cock into me over and over from behind, his hand planted on my pregnant belly.

“That’s it, Mama,” he’d croon, dragging his tongue up the back of my bare neck, making me moan. “Ride it out, let that pussy quiver all around my cock. I wanna feel you come,sweet thing.”

Bear runs back out, breaking the spell of my fantasy. But I have to stop thinking of it as fantasy. It’s reality, in the future, I just don’t know how far.

Because Hudson will be mine. And I know how that sounds. It sounds crazy. It sounds like I should have a dart board in my room with Tessa’s and Tiffani’s faces on it, that I should be in my car wearing a black hoodie with my binoculars pressed to the window as I watch Goode’s Diner. It sounds like I am going to one day be in a prison interview explaining my childhood.

But I am secure with who I am. And my sisters are my support system.

I am not crazy. I am passionate. There’s acleardifference.

I realize that going into Hudson’s house when he isn’t home every single week for four years is… strange, to the outside perspective. But that’s without context. Once you know I’m only entering his property so that I can better understand him, it’s the same as googling someone. Seriously. It’s not that big of a deal.

I do plan to come clean, though. Because when Hudson is officially my man, there will be nothing between us. Not the past, not lies, not unspoken truths, not a condom,nothing.

And he will accept me. Because soulmates accept each other, no matter what.

And heismy soulmate.

Without question.

“Wanna read them here, in front of the fire, or do you wanna get comfortable in bed first?”

He considers my question, but I make an executive decision as he yawns again. “Okay, bedroom, c’mon.”

I follow after him, and take a seat on the edge of his bed, leaning against the wall as he snuggles down into his cowboy boot sheets. I crack the book but before I start reading, Bear twists in the sheets, looking up at me with sleepy eyes.

“Are you coming to Aunt Ev and Uncle Deuce’s wedding?”

“The whole town is coming,” I reply with a smile, and why it only just now occurred to me that Hudson may bringa date to the wedding, I don’t know. But my stomach twists into a thousand intricate knots, the taste of sick burning at the back of my tongue. “Of course I’ll be there,” I say, maintaining my smiling disposition as I sift my fingers through the pages, finding where we left off.

“Good,” he sighs contentedly, snuggling back down into his bed, clutching his teddy bear. “’Cause I want to dance with you.”

I pull my hair up into a ponytail, finger combing the bumps as he watches me with tired eyes. “Well, I wanna dance with you, too.”

He yawns as I crack the book back open, moving my finger beneath the words to find our spot. “You gonna dance with my daddy?” he asks, surprising me before I can even start. Though the way his eyes sag, I don't think I’ll be reading too much.

“Maybe,” I consider aloud, wondering if by the time the wedding comes around, I’ll be… further along in my mission. “Why’d you ask?”

Bear yawns again. “My Auntie Ev says Daddy needs a girlfriend, and sometimes dancing with someone makes you feel special about ’em.” He flicks the ear on his teddy a few times. “I’d like it if Daddy felt special about you.”

My heart thumps and my eyes warm. “Why’s that?”

His voice is growing soft and distant as he says, “You make me happy. And if you can make me happy, maybe you can make Daddy happy, too.” Another yawn, then immediate silence.