Page 25 of All My Love

His words render me incapacitated, making the book slip nervously from my lap to the floor. Bear doesn’t notice because he’s already drifted off. After retrieving the book, I press my lips to his head, and whisper, “Good night.”

I stand in the hallway, clutching the book to my chest, my heart racing. I could use this. I could make Hudson see how bonded Bear and I have become, and I can dangle that bond in front of him. He loves seeing Bear happy, and I’ve picked up enough conversations between Ev and Deuce over the years to know that raising Bear alone is tough on Hudson. Not because he lacks help but because a single father was not what he wanted for his son.

I won’t do it. Not that way. Because it devalues what I’ve built with that little boy sleeping soundly in that room. And he does not deserve that.

Anyway, Hudson will realize how right I am about us on his own terms. Because that’s how I see it in my mind. That’s how it’s going to happen.

I head down the hall into the kitchen, and put the book back in my bag. I glance at the clock over the oven and see they’ve been gone for two hours now. It’s totally unlike Hudson to even go out in the first place, and he did not sound enthused to go, from what Iaccidentallyoverheard. I can’t imagine he’ll be gone too much longer.

Which means my time is limited.

And I’m about to break my streak.

All this thinking about Hudson and how fated we are to one another, I can’t help myself. I lose control,just a little.

Standing in the doorway of his bedroom, I move my bare foot past the threshold, just a little. I stare down, analyzing my pink toenail polish against the cherrywood of the floor.

I’ve never gone in here when Bear’s home. I’ve only ever gone in when I’ve let myself into the home, all alone.

His cologne hangs in the air, and my jaw clenches. I love that smell, but I don’t like knowing that turd Tiffani is the one that gets to smell it. Walking through his room, I enter his closet, keeping the light off. I know where everything is from memory. I pick up his cologne bottle and bring it to my nose, inhaling deeply without spraying.

A shudder racks my body, and my skin grows warm and bumpy, my nipples hard and aching. God, I love his scent. Just smelling his cologne has me imagining being at his feet, my face tipped back as he paints my lips and mouth in his cum.

God, I want his cum so bad. I want to know what he sounds like when he orgasms, if he comes a lot or a little, does he shoot? Does he dribble? Does he grunt? Does Hudson Gray have a dirty mouth? Has he ever tasted his own cum? Has he tasted his cum out of a lover’s used-up pussy? I don’t know. But I want to know. I need to know.

I need him.

I make a reactive choice, the heady scent of warm amber and patchouli making me foolishly high on Hudson. I strip from my yoga pants and hoodie, and make my way to his bed. After slowly turning down the covers, I slip into the cool sheets, wasting no time.

I roll and thrash in his bed as I bury my fingers inside myself, moaning and cursing as I envision him here with me.

It’s our Friday night. The kids just went down.

And now he’s going down on me.

After which, I’ll beg him to fuck me in my pussy, then fuck me again in my ass, then watch all his cum drip from my holes as I crawl to the floor and get on my knees,waiting for him to lower his balls into my mouth so I can suck them to say thank you for all the cum he’s given me.

The spool of orgasm unwinds in my groin as I imagine us together, in this room, feasting on one another with passion and fervor. He’s groaning how much he loves me, how he’s so glad to have me, and I’m praising him for his goodness, reminding him how he doesn't just mean a lot to me, but that he’s my everything. He owns all of me.

When my vision returns and the last of my orgasm has torn through me, I force myself out of Hudson’s bed, knowing they must be on their way soon. After using his bathroom to wipe away the arousal post-orgasm, I wash my hands and quickly redress, flicking on the bedroom light. There’s a dark spot in the center, where my pussy oozed its appreciation for Hudson and all the delicious, sinful, private things we will do together.

Because we will.

I believe that.

I smile at the dark spot, wondering if it will dry before he’s home. Wondering if he sleeps naked, and if he does, will his bare cock touch that spot? Will traces of my cum smear against his naked balls? Will he unwillingly wear my scent all night?

I remake the bed, my cunt still pulsing, despite the fact I’ve just come.

After taking a step back to make sure the room has been righted, I flick off the light and tiptoe down the hall, checking on Bear. His night-light has flicked off, so I slip inside and turn it back on, as well as his sound machine. White noise floods the space, and the gentle rise andfall of Bear’s chest brings a fullness in my chest that I always feel around him.

I kiss his head and lie down on the floor, using a stuffed dinosaur from his basket of toys as a pillow. And then, as I listen to Bear’s soft little breaths, my eyes flutter closed, peacefulness lulling me into sleep.


