“You’ve been doing that since I was fourteen,” she admonishes.

“They shouldn’t be looking so damned hard. Now drink your coffee and eat so we can get back. I’m going to jump in the shower while you do that. I don’t suppose Rory had any more clothes in there, did he?”

A moan escapes her as she drinks the coffee sending a jolt straight to my dick. “Yeah there were more in there.”

“Okay, be out in ten.”

We pull up to my parents’ house a while later. My mom’s car is in the driveway which I hope means she’s working the late shift and hasn’t missed work because she was worried about me. Rory standing on the porch with Zane tells me the latter is true.

“Mom’s probably pissed,” I say to Zoey.

Zoey looks at me with worry furrowing her brows. She hates letting anyone down, but she has a particular soft spot for my mom. Yet another reason that I love her so much. “Why didn’t you tell her where you were going?”

I shrug. I didn’t tell her because I honestly didn’t think about it. My parents have always worked so much that I’ve been allowed to pretty much do what I wanted, when I wanted. Now I’m nineteen years old so asking permission isn’t something I’m going to start now. It would have been more considerate for me to let them know where I was going to be. I probably should have done the same with Karen, but since we haven’t exactly just come out and announced our relationship to our parents, I didn’t feel like answering questions that would probably come along with telling them where we would be.

“It’ll be fine, Zo. If she’s mad, then she’s mad at me. It has nothing to do with you. Besides, you know I really don’t care who gets mad at me as long as it’s not you.”

She shakes her head with a slight tilt of her lips. She knows it’s one of the many ways we are so very different from each other. Zoey has never worried about what people think about her, but she does worry about upsetting the people she cares about. She’s a people pleaser.

I, not only, do not care what people think about me. I don’t care if I piss them off. I don’t consider myself a troublemaker, but I also don’t care about people’s attitudes or opinions about me or my life. It’s kept my life pretty stress free for the most part.

We get out of the car and walk to the porch where Zane and Rory are standing. They take one look at Zoey and burst into full belly laughs. Rory walks around her taking her in. “That’s a good look on you, squirt.”

“Didn’t know you were into middle school boys, Jay,” Zane guffaws.

Zoey tilts her chin up a little and stands straighter. She looks at them both with that adorable look she thinks is menacing and says, “Fuck you both, thank you very much.”

“I’ve just got one question,” Rory says trying to catch his breath. “How the hell are those staying up on you?”

This time Zoey grins slyly. She raises her shirt showing the string that is wrapped multiple times around her waist. “By the way, you need more dental floss.”

This time we all laugh. I throw my arm around her waist and kiss the top of her head. “You better get inside, little brother. Ma is ready to kill you.”

Zoey tenses beside me but I just roll my eyes. “You can just stay out here with Zee and Rory if you want,” I tell her.

She shakes her head. “You weren’t alone, and I had a phone just like you did. I’m going too. Besides, I want to see your mom.”

I nod and lead her through the door. “Mom, I’m home,” I yell as we walk through the door.

“Jaxon Nicholas McCabe where the hell have you been all night?” her voice carries from the kitchen.

With my fingers laced with Zoey’s, we make our way toward the kitchen. “I was at Rory’s beach house, Mom,” I say when we get into the kitchen to my mom’s back. She’s bent over the sink finishing the rest of the dishes.

“And you didn’t think that was something I needed to know,” she snaps with her back still to us.

“Mom, I’m nineteen, nearly twenty years old. I’m sorry you were worried, but, no, I didn’t think it was important to tell you where I was going to be.”

“I sat up half the night wor-,” she stops when she turns and realizes Zoey is standing there with me. “Oh, Zoey, my angel, I didn’t know you were there.”

“It’s okay, Mrs. McCabe,” Zoey answers softly.

“No. No, it’s definitely not okay. My conversation is for Jax,” she says glaring at me. “Not an audience. Would you please give me a chance to talk to my son, dear?”

Zoey looks at me asking what she should do. My return look tells her she doesn’t have to go if she doesn’t want. “I think I’m good Mrs. McCabe,” she replies.

My mom looks slightly taken aback by Zoey’s response. She purses her thin lips and crosses her arms over her chest.

My mom is beautiful inside and out. Even though she and my dad have worked a lot my entire life, they made sure I was always looked after. They tried their best to make sure that I had everything I needed, if not everything I wanted. They also recognized the bond that I shared with Zoey and Zane and allowed me to spend most of my time with them in whatever capacity I could.