“Nah. I’ll handle mom. But you should both be prepared for the inquisition tomorrow. I’m sure she suspects, but you know how that is.”

“We’ll deal with whatever we need to when the time comes,” I answer truthfully.

“Alright, brother. I’ll let mom know. Then I’m off to find my own fun. See you tomorrow.”

“See you tomorrow, brother.”

I end the call, and slide into bed with my girl. I pull her naked form to me and fall quickly into a peaceful sleep.

“Oh,god, Jax, I’m coming,” Zoey screams as my own climax begins. I roar as I continue to thrust deep into her wet heat before collapsing on top of her again.

“Good morning,” she says into my neck once we catch our breath.

“Great fucking morning,” I amend. “I could seriously get used to waking up like this.”

I slowly withdraw from her fantastic body to take care of the condom. After tying it off and throwing it into the trash can beside the bed, I pull her into my side.

“I could get use to it too,” she says kissing my chest. “Do we have to leave anytime soon?”

“No, we don’t have to,” I answer, “but I’m sure we probably should. No one knows where we are except Zane and Rory. They just know we’re together.”

She releases a sigh. “I wanted to enjoy the beach for a little while before we left.”

I chuckle against her hair. “I’ll bring you back soon, Angel. How about that?”

“Won’t Rory mind if we keep using his ‘sanctuary’?” she asks running a finger down the center of my abs.

“Nah he won’t care. He rarely comes here, so at least it would be getting used.”

“In a few weeks, we won’t have time to come. You have to show up for practice soon, and then classes start.”

I prop my chin on her head while rubbing absently up and down her arm. “How are you going to do it? School I mean?”

She lets out a small sigh. “I don’t know, but I’m sure I can get some kind of credit. I can’t be the first art student to have work placed in a showcase.”

I don’t say anything else. I meant it when I told her I was proud of her, but, fuck, I am going to miss her so damn much while she’s gone. I know that I will be busy with classes, practices, and games. It will help the time go by faster.

It also worries me though. What if we are so busy that we can’t find time to call each other? I know there’s text, but when you’ve seen someone everyday for the last ten years, it’s hard to imagine a time when you don’t.

“I don’t want to leave you, Jay,” she says in almost a whisper.

I kiss the top of her head. “I know, baby, and I don’t want you to leave. But you have to do this. You’ll regret it if you don’t and so will I. Go out there and show the world how special you are.”

She snuggles into my side for a minute before I make a move to get up bringing her with me. I direct her toward the shower. “Go get cleaned up while I find us some food. Then we’ll head out.”

I head into the kitchen to rummage through the pantry and cabinets hoping to find something. Coffee at the very least would be great. I score when I come across coffee, sugar, and dairy free creamer – everything Zoey needs to make her cup – and a box of Poptarts that I hope aren’t stale. Rory, apparently, hadn’t been in longer than I though since there was basically no other food in the house.

I turn the Keurig on to warm the water and put two Poptarts into the toast. I start my cup of coffee first since I know Zoey is taking a quick shower. Then start hers. I add a little cream and sugar to her cup and set it on the counter with a Pop tart on a napkin beside it.

I’m shoving the last bite of my own Poptart into my mouth when she comes into the room. I let out a loud snort and nearly choke on my Poptart. “What are you wearing?” I ask taking in the oversized clothes.

She looks down at herself with a grin. “I’m assuming they’re Rory’s. I couldn’t put that dress back on. It’s kind of a mess.”

I walk around her taking in the basketball shorts that are nearly to her ankles and the shirt that hangs to her knees. They’re definitely Rory’s clothes, and suddenly I’m not sure I like the fact she’s wearing my big brother’s clothes. I don’t say anything about that though. “You know if we hid your hair under a ballcap and put some sunglasses on you, you could totally pass for a twelve-year-old boy that’s trying to be cool.”

She swats my arm playfully. “It was either this or the microskirt and the child sized crop top I found.”

I pulled her to me with a growl. “This is definitely the safer option. I’d hate to have to fight off every guy we pass for staring too hard.”