With my knees practically beside my ears, he pounds mercilessly into me. With each thrust, it feels as if he sinks impossibly deeper. I haven’t completely recovered from my last climax when he angles himself to begin thrusting upward hitting my g-spot.

“Oh my god,” I cry out.

Again, and again he pounds into me bringing me closer and closer to the edge once again. I feel him swell inside me, his own orgasm at the cusp. He reaches between us as he continues to hit that one delicious spot and pinches my clit between his fingers triggering a third – and infinitely more powerful – orgasm from me.

I scream out as the pleasure consumes me. I’m not even sure what I’m saying at my entire body feels like it’s both floating and sinking at the same time. My core clenches around him in a vice like grip milking him to the last drop.

He collapses on top of me. Our breathing hard and fast as we come down from our euphoric state.

Slowly he pulls out leaving me missing him immediately. He kisses my head and goes to the bathroom to dispose of the condom I don’t remember him getting.

Both satisfied and exhausted, sleep claims me before he comes back into the room.


I walk back into the bedroom to find Zoey lying on her stomach sound asleep. I lean against the doorway to watch her. She looks like an angel with her long dark hair spread out around her head. My heart flips at the sight.

I didn’t intend on the night to go like this. I wanted to bring her back here and make love to her slow and gentle all night long. I wanted to show her how much I love and treasure her.

Yeah, yeah. I sound like a fucking pussy, I know. I don’t give a shit.

After she spent half the night teasing and tormenting the hell out of me, plan for soft and gentle went out the window. I’ve been afraid to get too rough with her – to let her see the darker side of me. I was afraid it would scare her away. Fuck if she didn’t shock the hell out of me.

She was so damn responsive to me. I knew better than to go too far, and I was careful to gauge her reaction to everything I did. I wanted to make sure she was okay with everything even though her body told me all I needed to know.

Thinking about how moisture flooded her thighs when I spanked her and how hard she come when I pressed my thumb against her asshole was making me hard again. I couldn’t wake her now though. I’d just put her body through the ringer.

I hate thinking about her with any other guy, but I know that no one has ever made her feel like that. I know it makes me sound like a cocky bastard, but I know how to make a woman feel good. Not many guys my age know what the fuck they’re doing when it comes to a woman’s body. They don’t know how to gauge what turns them on and what turns them off. When I first started having sex, I damn sure didn’t.

But I got around more than the average guy, and I soon figured out sex is better when the other person enjoys it to. It’s not all about self-gratification, even though it is because when a woman’s pussy clenches around your dick, your own orgasm intensifies.

With Zoey, it’s so much more than just physical. I love her with every damn fiber of my being. It’s emotional and spiritual. And everything about the physical is so much better than any other woman or girl I’ve ever been with. I know with everything I am that no one with ever hold a candle to this girl. I am a ruined man.

My phone buzzing in my pants pocket on the floor pulls me out of my thoughts.

“What’s up, man?” I whisper into the phone.

“Dude, why are you whispering?” Zane asks from the other end.

“Zoey’s sleeping.”

“Sleeping? I figured you two would be at each other like bunnies after the restaurant,” he says teasingly.

“Zee, you do remember that you’re talking about your sister? Right?”

“I try to forget that part. Anyway, are you coming back tonight?”

“Wasn’t planning on it. Why?”

“Mom was asking. Sometimes I get the feeling she either doesn’t realize you two are together or she thinks you’ve always been.”

Zoey and I hadn’t exactly announced to her parents or mine that we were together. Zane was right that most of the time they seemed to think we were anyway. We could tell them, but Zoey worried they’d freak out over our sleepovers if they knew.

We were legally adult at this point. Not much they could say or do about us or our relationship. They could throw a fit about it being in their houses, though, and, since neither of us had our own place right now, we tried to be discreet. After years of sharing a bed practically every night, even before we were together and sex was involved, neither of us were willing to sleep alone now.

We knew that some people would argue we were too young to feel the way we did. They’d say we were moving too fast. Hell, they’d probably try to tell us that this thing we felt wouldn’t last. I knew with every part of me, though, that Zoey was it. I would never love anyone the way I love her. I would never want anyone the way I want her. If she ever decided she didn’t want me anymore, I’d be totally fucked. Just like I was before I told her how I felt.

“Should I call Karen?” I asked him wondering what she would say if I did.