“Well, Tori made us promise to come by with you before you left,” Zane says as if it should be obvious to me.

“But why? I wasn’t exactly warm and friendly with her.”

“I guess you made an impression anyway. Because she wasn’t taking no for an answer. Said she had to see her friend before she left. She’s worried she won’t see you again.”

My eyes fill with tears. Tori tried so hard to be my friend over the last year. She tried to get me to open up. I guess maybe she could see how broken I was. How much help I needed. She cared no matter how much distance I put between me and everyone.

We walk into the shop, Tori instantly spotting me. “My girl!” she squeals with glee running toward me.

People turn to see what the commotion the tall pinup blonde is causing. A few stare and whisper, recognizing Zane and Jax. I do my best to ignore the attention they’re drawing.

“Hi, Tori,” I say shyly giving her a hug.

“Maddox,” she yells. “Get your ass out here.”

“Maddox is here?”

“He’s been here for over an hour waiting,” she replies giving Jax and Zane a dirty look.

They both turn red at the glare. “Traffic,” Jax coughs. “Sorry.”

“I had to see you before you left,” she turns her attention back to me. “And I have to get you in my chair one more time before you go.”

“I don’t know, Tori,” I laugh. “We have a flight to catch.”

Jax drops his lips to my ear, “I told you we have plenty of time.”

“It’s settled,” she announces.

I bite my lip looking at Jax and Zane. Jax quirks a brow and grins, knowing what I’m thinking. “What’s that look?” Zane asks suspiciously.

“Zane, do you love me?” I coo.

His brown eyes narrow. The suspicion grows. “No. No, I don’t love you. Nope. Not even a little.”

Jax snorts.

“But Zane,” I whine. “We’ve been apart so long. I just want to do something special together. Please.”

“I told you last time that I wasn’t ever doing that again.”

“What’s wrong, pretty boy?” Tori taunts. “The big, bad football player afraid of a little pain?”

Zane’s jaw clenches. “I’m not afraid.”

“Then stop being a damn pussy,” Jax says.

“Sticks and stones, motherfucker. I can’t help it if you’re a fucking masochist.”

“What are you thinking about having done?” Tori asks.

I reach in my bag and pull out a drawing I’ve kept with me since I finished it. I show it to her waiting for her to tell me what she thinks. “Zoey,” she breathes. “that’s beautiful.”

“It really is, Zo,” Jax says with a look of amazement in his eyes.

“What are we looking at?” Maddox says finally coming back to the front.

“The tattoo Zoey drew up,” Tori answers without looking up from the drawing.