“Why in the hell do I keep playing second fiddle to this bastard,” Zane jibes. “Clearly everyone can see that I am the better looking of the two of us.”

Zoey whacks him in the stomach with a fling of her arm. An oof sound escapes. “Come here, baby,” I coo at him. “I think you’re pretty.”

That gets me a whop myself.

“Are they always like this?” Janie questions in amusement.

“Only all the time. It’s one of the reasons I love them.”

“I’m going to miss you, Zoey.”

“You said, you’d be down south in a couple of months. I fully expect you to call me so we can get together.”

The woman smiles. “I’d like that. I’d really like to get to know the Zoey you were before.”

That makes Zoey frown. My heart clenches at her reaction. “I don’t know if she’s still in there.”

“Some version of her is, Zoey, even if not all of her. Just remember if you can’t find her completely, make who you are now better than before. That’s always the goal. Better than before.”

And just like that, I love this woman. I want to pack her up and bring her home to be with Zoey every day. I extend my hand to her. “Thank you for helping her.”

She brushes off my comment with a blush and a smile. “I didn’t do anything but listen. She’s become what I hope is a friend, so please take care of her.”

Zane’s hand is now extended. “We will do our best, but this one’s stubborn. She hates asking for help, and hates getting help even more.”

“Well, that’s something I think she and Dr. Thompson discussed. Right, Zoey?”

Zoey rolls her eyes, but the grin playing at the corner of her lips isn’t missed. Not by me anyway. I can’t seem to stop looking for her smile. I want that smile. I live for that smile. I’m going to do everything I can to keep that smile on her face as much as possible.


I am so damn ready to go home. A month ago, the thought of going back there made me physically sick. Then again, I was already pretty sick. Still am if I’m being honest, but I’m getting better, I think.

“When does our flight leave? I’m ready to be home,” I say as I climb into the car waiting outside for us.

“Slow down, beautiful,” Jax says with a smile. “We have plenty of time, and there’s somewhere we need to be.”

I frown at him. I stayed here in this city as punishment. Stupid I realize, but my ability to be logical hasn’t been the greatest. This city once held many things I’d grown to love, but now it’s an ugly reminder of everything I’ve lost. Including the precious time I wasted feeling sorry for myself.

He kisses the corner of my mouth making it twitch. “Smile, beautiful. We’re just going to say goodbye to some people.”

“Maddox?” I scowl. “He’ll be back in River City in a couple of weeks for Christmas. I want to go home. I missed Thanksgiving. For the second year in a row, and I know that’s my fault. Christmas is coming. I want to go home. Decorate and buy presents. For the first time in a year, Jax, I just want to go home.”

He cups my face with both hands and kisses me softly, slowly. I melt against him. I melt into the kiss. When he pulls away, I sigh.

I’m am still so far away from normal, but I feel so much closer than I did a week ago, a month ago, and damn sure a year ago. I have missed him and Zane, his family, and home. I miss my parents, and I’m not sure if I’ve really dealt with the grief for them yet. But therapy has helped more than I want to admit and more than I ever hoped.

“I’m taking you home, Angel. But I promised someone that I wouldn’t let you leave this god forsaken city without seeing them first.”

After that kiss, how can I say no.

Easy. I don’t.

I just sit back and enjoy the ride.

I fully expect to pull up to the apartment that I shared with Maddox for the last year. I’m beyond surprised when I find myself sitting outside of Stuck On You tattoo shop.

“What are we doing here?” I ask.