There have been times I’ve been slightly resentful that they had to work so much. They’ve missed so many of my ballgames, awards ceremonies, and even a few holidays and birthdays. But I realize that they have done what they had to in order to make sure I was provided for. They also made sure I knew they loved me every second they could. I knew it hurt them as much, if not more, that they missed so much time with me.

My mom starts to say something, then, as if just now seeing, she takes in Zoey’s clothes and our entwined fingers. It’s not something she hasn’t seen before. It’s really just a normal thing for us, but something must give it all away. “Were you two together? All night?”

“Yeah,” I answer. It isn't something unusual for us. We’ve spent many nights together, just the two of us, through the years. But I can see my mom’s wheels turning.

Honestly, she thought we were together many times through the years. I’d always have to tell her we weren’t. Even though we should’ve been. So, I can see her questioning if this time her assumption is right.

“You two were together at Rory’s beach house? Just the two of you?”

“Yeah, Mom,” I say a little exasperated. “Me and Zoey. Just us. We were celebrating Zoey’s getting chosen to showcase some of her paintings and stuff at a gallery in New York this fall.”

That seems to be the momentary distraction my mom needs to get her away from what’s right in front of her. “Oh, my goodness, Zoey! How wonderful for you!”

“Yes ma’am. It was a bit of a surprise.”

I pull her to my side. “It shouldn’t be a surprise, Zoey. Your art is amazing just like you.”

She wraps her arms around my waist and snuggles into my chest.

“Yes. You should be very proud, Zoey,” Mom agrees still looking at us curiously.

“Yeah, squirt,” Rory bellows behind us. “You should be damn proud. I know I’m proud as fuck.” He drags her from me and wraps her up into a tight embrace.

It appears, though, that Rory’s presence reminded Mom about the conversation she was trying to have. “Why didn’t you tell me where your brother was, Rory? I was up all night long worried about him,” she says accusingly to Rory then turns back to me. “And why didn’t you answer your text or calls?”

Finally, I decide to give my mom a bone without handing her the whole cow. “I was a little busy last night, Mom. I didn’t notice my phone even ringing.”

“What in the world could’ve had you so busy that you didn’t notice a phone ringing? What could you possibly be do-,” she cuts off when her eyes dart back and forth between me and Zoey again. She clears her throat and brushes her short brown hair from her eyes. “Do I want to know what you were doing?” she finally asks both of us.

Zoey flushes red while Zane and Rory start pretend choking. “Probably not, Mom,” I answer with a straight face even though I’m dying to laugh at the ridiculousness of Mom and Zoey’s expression.

My mom is now as red as Zoey. “Ok then. Well, I guess – just – next time let me know you’re not coming home.”

I walk to my mom and kiss the top of her head laughing. “I’ll try, Mom, but you know I don’t usually tell you whether I’m coming home or not.”

“No, but I can usually get your brother or Zoey or Zane to tell me something.”

“Sorry, Ma. I just wanted to let them have a little time to themselves,” Rory explains.

“It’s not like I would’ve hunted them down, Rory.”

“I know, Ma. I wasn’t thinking.”

“I guess I wasn’t either really,” I add. “I’ll try to do better, Mom.”

She hugs me then awkwardly clears her throat. I can’t help but chuckle at how uncomfortable my mom is right now. We’ve never talked about sex in general much less my sex life, but I never realized how uncomfortable my mom would be when she was face to face with it. “I’ll just get back to getting dinner ready for your dad when he comes in. He wants to talk to you to, Jax.”

“I have to take Zoey home so she can change, but I should be back before he gets home,” I let her know.

“I’m heading on to my house,” Zane says. “I’ve sort of been avoiding mom this morning too.”

“I thought you were supposed to talk to her,” Zoey accused. “You were supposed to tell her I was with Jax.”

“Chill out, little sister. I told her you were with Jax, and she was satisfied. She’s a little pissed with me though.”

Zoey rolls her eyes at Zane. “What’d you do now?”

“I kind of forgot to get Jamie and Jenni out of the house before she woke up this morning.”