Page 117 of Fighting for His Life

Mr. Neveah and Coach Bailey both nod in agreement while standing. The extend their hands to Jax, Zane and Rory. “I hope this means you’ll be resigning,” Coach Bailey interjects.

Jax’s face is still a wall of stone. No emotions have passed for several minutes, but he hasn’t removed his eyes from Alton Jr. Zane on the other hand smirks at his coach. “As long as the offer’s right, Coach, I’m sure we will.”

He smiles back at Zane and they exit the room.

Mr. Jones remains in his seat. Rory lifts a brow at him. “I know who you are and what you do, Mr. McCabe. In fact, I’ve had quite a few dealings with your organization, and I don't mean Diamond Industries.I don’t need to be shielded from whatever else happens in this room.”

“Why would you want to stay?” Rory asks not suspiciously but curiously.

“My mother was raped. I am the product of that rape. The man who did it was never discovered. Let’s just say, I’ll take great satisfaction in seeing this piece of shit pay.”

“That’s up to Zoey,” he says turning to me. “What do you want to do, squirt? Hand him over to the police or let me deal with him.”

I’m quiet for a few long seconds as I walk slowly to the bastard. He’s still smirking and arrogant as hell. When I am beside him, I gesture for Rory to let him up.

“Coming back for seconds after all,” the cocky son of a bitch says.

My eyes turn to narrow slits. If I wasn’t sure how I wanted it handled before, I am now. “No one in their right mind would ever want you. That’s why you did what you did. You’re pathetic and worthless,” I spit in his face.

He moves to come after me, but Rory quickly grabs him. When I can see that he’s not going anywhere, I draw my fist back and punch him right in the nose. I look over him to Rory. “I don’t want him killed. I want him to suffer, but jail is too damn good for him,” I say. Understanding lights in Rory’s eyes as I continue. “You handle him, just make sure he lives and can never hurt anyone else.”

I turn away from him straight into Jax’s arms. “Can you take me home please?” I ask him. I know he wants to stay. He wants to be a part of this. But I need him with me.

He knows I need him. He nods with a sigh, wrapping his arms around me as we leave. I may want that bastard to suffer, but I don’t want to see it. I don’t want to look at his face for another second.


The last few weeks have been insane. Hell, the last year has been a damn nightmare, but it’s finally come to an end.

Okay, so maybe that’s a slight exaggeration. Zoey still has therapy every day. She still has good days and bad, but she is finally letting go of her guilt and pain.

She’s also sleeping without nightmares. We make love and she is completely with me every time. She leaves the apartment everyday without anyone forcing her. She goes to the gallery without being afraid. She’s doing all the things she loves.

Rory handled Alton just like he said he would. Zoey has no idea what he did, but I do. I made sure I got a piece of him. Zane too.

And just like she asked, he lived but he suffered. He’s still suffering, and he will never hurt another person.

Two weeks after the confrontation we played the Super Bowl, and we fucking won. It was by the skin of our teeth, but we fucking won. I couldn’t stop smiling if I tried. The second the ball left my hands at the sound of the buzzer I knew we’d won. Knew without a shadow of a doubt that it would fall right into Zane’s magical hands in the end zone.

In seconds, the entire team was on the field, hoisting us into the air. We grinned like fools at each other as we realized our childhood dreams of winning the national championship together had been reached.

“We did it, brother. Made it to the top and won the championship. Together,” he yelled.

“Yeah, we did,” I respond rubbing the top of his head before moving my eyes to scan the crowd. “Do you see her?”

His grin grew even bigger. “Yep. Right over there with Mr. Neveah.”

My eyes moved to where he pointed. She was probably thirty feet away, but it seemed like miles. I tapped D’Andre and Fet. “Put me down guys. I need to get to my girl.”

They grinned as the set me to my feet. Coach met me on the ground. “Congratulations, son. You deserve it. You all do.”

Before I get to far, I hear Zane call out my name. “Don’t screw up,” he says with a laugh.

I smile while tossing him a finger.

I’m five feet away when Zoey runs to me launching herself into my arms. “You did it,” she squeals.

“You’re here,” I shout, so fucking proud that she was able to do this.