“I would never do such a thing, but I am telling you that she is mistaken,” the man says tipping his chin up a bit.
His son sits in his chair like a preening peacock. He looks arrogant and a little sadistic. Until Rory cuts in. “We have proof if you’d like to see,” he says in a matter of fact way.
That wipes the smarmy look off of his face, and I can’t help but preen a bit now.
Mr. Alton nods his head at the offer. Rory looks to me and nods toward the door with an eyebrow raised in question. He’s giving me the chance to leave. To not see what’s about to be showed on the large television behind him.
But I’m not running anymore. Not from this monster. Not from anyone. It doesn’t matter if I see it because I lived it two weeks ago and over a year ago. This won’t show me anything I don’t know.
Jax pulls his chair back up and moves it close as possible to my own. He wraps an arm over my shoulder, pulling me in for a kiss to the temple.
When the video starts, everyone is completely silent. I see my guys watching Mr. Alton and his son, judging their reactions. Mr. Alton’s face becomes a sickly shade of green when he realizes that there is no disputing that the man on the screen is his son, and the words coming from his mouth are his voice.
His son continues to smirk. He doesn’t show an ounce of remorse or concern.
“That doesn’t prove a thing,” the sadistic jerk says. “I didn’t see her trying to stop me.”
Rory, who hasn’t moved from his seat throughout the entire meeting, stands. His movements are calculated and lethal as he makes his way to the son. When he is standing directly behind him, the asshole tries to stand. Roy places his hands on each of the guy’s shoulders, effectively holding him in place. “Until I ask you to speak, you will keep your fucking worthless mouth shut. Or I can shut it for you.”
Mr. Alton looks noticeably uncomfortable but also noticeably upset. “Why?” he says looking at his son. “I have given you everything you ever wanted or needed. The best of everything. I have loved you and showed you that every day of your life. Why would you do something as disgusting and despicable as this to that poor girl.”
He just sits there as his father begs him to explain. Staring at me like he would do it all over again. My skin crawls at the mere sight of him, and I have to suppress the shiver that threatens to escape me.
Jax squeezes my hand, reassuring me that he’s there with me. I look to him and see that he’s visibly worried about me. I give him a small twitch of my lips letting him know that I know he’s there. With him there, I’m safe from this sadistic monster sitting at the table with us.
Rory squeezes his shoulders roughly causing him to yelp in pain. “Answer your father,” he demands.
He looks at his father with no remorse. With such a callous, unfeeling look in his eyes, the shiver finally escapes me. “I asked her out a few times when I went to her exhibit and she turned me down,” he says as if that should explain everything.
My mouth drops. I didn’t even remember him asking me out. I only remember him at the gallery the last couple of weeks. I’m sure my rejection was friendly as possible.
“Of course, I turned you down you stupid, psychotic motherfucker. I had a boyfriend. I was pregnant,” I scream jumping from my chair, finally able to speak. To confront the son of a bitch. “You attacked me in a fucking alley. You touched me with your filthy hands. You put your filthy mouth on my body, and when I tried to fight back you hit me. You slammed my head against the concrete, and when you finished you kicked me. I lost myself because of you. I will never meet my baby because of you. I ran away from my family because of you. Because I thought I did something wrong. I have hurt people I love because I couldn’t deal with what you did to me. I started using drug to try to make what you did to me, how you made me feel, go away. I started sleeping with men I barely knew to make me feel like I was in control. I tried to fucking kill myself because of what you did to me. Because I fucking rejected you? I hope you get the chance to feel one tenth of how you’ve made me feel.”
Mr. Alton looks at me with so much sympathy, guilt and remorse it’s almost palpable. “Zoey,” he says softly. “I know I cannot undo what my son has done to you. I cannot give you back what he’s stolen from you, but I hope you will accept my sincerest apologies.” Then he turns to his son. “I don’t know where I went wrong with you. I gave you everything. I tried to raise you to value people and to work hard. You’ve made me ashamed to be a father today. I’m ashamed of you.”
Again, he merely shrugs his shoulders at his father’s words. No guilt whatsoever. “You always told me I could have anything I want if I went after it, so I did.”
Mr. Alton’s jaw drops. He looks completely aghast at his son’s words.
“Mr. Alton, you should know that Zoey has not decided how she wants this handled just yet. I think this meeting today was helpful in helping her make up her mind,” Rory tells the man. “But be aware, he will be dealt with. If you don’t hear from him again after today, do not look for him. Not only will you not find him, you will bring yourself trouble.”
Mr. Alton only nod before he turned to leave. His son went to stand as well, but Rory, once again, held him firmly in place. “Dad, you’re just going to leave me here?” he asks almost whining.
Mr. Alton doesn’t turn around, but he does pause at the door. “I’m not your dad. And you are not my son.” Then he walks out the door.
Mr. Neveah turns to Jax and Zane. “I’m sorry for everything that has happened to all of you. And I’m sorry I brought this man into our organization.”
“I’m not,” Zane says surprising the older man. “Had things not happened the way they did, this scum would still be out there able to hurt some other woman. My sister would still be afraid he’s out there lurking.”
I can help but agree with him.
He hurt me so badly. Caused so much damage to me and my life. A few days ago, I thought I was so broken, I could never be fixed. But something changed – clicked – inside my head. I know now that I don’t need to be fixed. I just need to accept that what happened, happened. I also need to accept that it wasn't my fault, and I have nothing to be ashamed of.
But had he not been at that party, he would be free to hurt someone else. He would still be tormenting my mind. Now, he will pay for what he did.
“I’m glad you can find a positive in all of this,” Mr. Jones says. “I don’t know if I would be able to.”
Rory clears his throat bringing everyone’s attention back to him. “Gentlemen, you can go now. I’m sure you don’t want to be present for what may happen now. Keep your hands clean?”