“On Saturday night. He came to my room after the party at the sky bar. I spent all night riding his cock.”
I don’t say it out loud, but I smile, one hundred percent sure that she’s lying. “Really? And how was it?”
I see a flicker of uncertainty in her eyes, but the urge to brag must be impossible to resist. “We aren’t friends, Lenley,” she sneers. “And this isn’t a story for a little virgin loser like you. I see how you look at him with puppy dog eyes all the time. A guy like Jameson wouldn’t even look at a little girl like you, he needs a woman. He would eat you alive and spit you right out.”
I don’t react to her meanness. “Sure. I was just curious if he’s as good as the rumors say he is, since he and his team have quite the reputation, but if you don’t want to share...”
Anna’s smirk is full of glee when she continues to spew her lies. “He’s amazing. The best I’ve ever had. He’s ruined me for everyone else. The things he does with that piercing on the tip of his dick...”
I can no longer contain my hilarity. There’s a whole section of social media and a couple of hashtags about Jameson’s supposed cock piercing. Obviously I know it’s complete bullshit, and after the frenzy I saw the Cove Devils’ fans get into on Friday and Saturday, it isn’t hard to guess how the rumor started. Some of the most die-hard groupies would do anything to sleep with one of the Cove Devils, and if they don’t get to make their dreams come true, then I suppose making things up and boasting about it on social media is the next best thing—exactly like Anna is doing right now.
I stand there, listening to Anna’s descriptions of how she gave Jameson a blow job and had him coming in seconds. “That piercing makes him way more sensitive, and I only had to lick around it a couple of times before he came in my mouth.”
Another lie. I know firsthand that being licked on that special spot under the crown is more Peyton’s thing. Jameson is more of a deep throat, fuck your mouth kind of guy.
“And then he showed me how grateful he was. He fucked me all night. We used an entire big box of condoms—”
“That sounds amazing,” I interrupt her with my sweetest smile. “And when did you say that happened?” I bait her.
“Saturday night, after the Wild Horse party. I invited him to come to my room, and he rocked my world.”
I pretend to check my nails as if the state of my cuticles is the most fascinating thing on Earth. “Are you sure it was Saturday night and you aren’t confusing it with another night?” I ask.
“I’m fucking positive. He came to my room after the Wild Horse party, I already told you,” Anna snaps, her dark eyes narrowed into two furious slits. “Are you deaf now too?”
I lift my gaze to meet hers, my smile sugary sweet. “No, no, I heard you loud and clear, but it’s really weird that you’re so sure that it was Saturday night.”
She takes my bait hook, line, and sinker. “And why would that be weird?” Her arms are now crossed over her flat chest, and her sharp, blood-red nails tap impatiently over the fabric of her brown power suit.
“I don’t know,” I say with a shrug. “Jameson’s dick must be even more magical than I thought if he could manage to fuck you all night on Saturday while he was inmyroom having sex withme.”
I hate how bitchy I sound, but Anna has been awful to me my entire life, and Lenley 2.0 is done taking her shit. Sarah would be so proud of me right now, prouder than the pussy strut I did yesterday morning—even if no one saw me leave Jameson’s room, it still counts.
There’s a flash of shock mixed with fear in Anna’s brown eyes. I watch her as she tries to decide if I’m bluffing as much as she is, but I’m not. All of a sudden, I’m in no hurry to leave, and I have all the time in the world to let her figure out how to come back from her pathetic lie. “You... You...” She sputters furiously. “You’re lying. You’re just jealous because someone like Jameson would never look at you twice, let alone fuck you.”
I chuckle as if she said something funny. “One of us is lying for sure, Anna, and we both know who it is.”
“You’re just jealous!” She raises her voice. “You can’t accept the fact that no one wants you, not Jameson and not my brother. You’re going to die a virgin, Lenley.”
I open my mouth to argue with her, because the look in her eyes tells me that she knows I’m not bluffing, but Kiara comes to her new friend’s help.
“You’re right, Anna. Len is a pathetic plain Jane who gets friend-zoned by every guy she knows. It happened with Darrius first, and now history is repeating itself with Jameson and his teammates.”
After the way she talked to me at the water park, the venom in Kiara’s words shouldn’t surprise me, but it still hurts all the same. I can’t believe she was one of my best friends, one of the people I had no secrets with.
I hate myself for stooping to her level, but again, I can’t help myself. “You’re definitely one to talk, Kiki,” I scoff, using her childhood nickname. “Don’t pretend that your boyfriend wasn’t just caught balls deep inside a groupie on social media, and you fucked with his performance because you couldn’t wait until after he jumped to call him out on that. It’s only a matter of time before he dumps you if you start messing with his career.”
This time I totally missed the target.
Kiara doesn’t look affected by my words. “I was right. You’re a fucking jealous, spiteful bitch, Lenley. It must hurt that, for once, all the attention isn’t on the poor princess who lost herpapà. Darrius spent the rest of the weekend apologizing to me and swearing that he’s going to do better in the future.” She points at one single, long-stemmed red rose in a thin vase on the reception desk. “See that? It was waiting for me this morning with a lovely note, and then Darrius called to apologize. We’re the real deal, and you can sniff around my man with your little minidresses and sky-high heels as much as you want, Len, but he doesn’t want you. The man you’ve loved your entire life is mine, bitch.”
Her words hurt.
I don’t even know exactly why.
I don’t think that my feelings for Darrius are totally gone, because my heart still clenches every time I see him with Kiara.