Page 37 of Her Devils

Sarah points a finger at me. “Then what? If I didn’t know you, and I didn’t think it was totally impossible, I’d think that you were with both Channing and Jameson last night. It’s the only thing that makes any sense since you left with Channing, but Jameson seemed to be in a hurry to leave the meet and greet.”

I think it’s time to tell Sarah what’s going on, or at least some of it.

I tell her about the deal I made with the Cove Devils but leave out the part where I accepted Peyton’s offer to make Darrius pay for rejecting and betraying me. I also don’t mention how the guys plan to gloat when I turn Darrius down.

Sarah has already expressed her distrust toward the Devils’ heartbreaker reputation, and I don’t want her to question their motives even more.

“Shut the front door!” she exclaims when I’m done explaining our deal. “So what you’re telling me is that they need to lay low to find better sponsors, and since they can’t hook up with a new girl every night, they all decided to hook up with you for the entire season?”

I nod. “That’s exactly what I’m telling you. They get laid, and I get to experience all the stuff I never did because of my stupid obsession with Darrius. And stop looking so shocked, I’m not that hideous that they wouldn’t—”

“That isn’t why I’m shocked, babe,” she says. “You’re beautiful, and any man would be an idiot not to notice that. I just—that isn’t like you, Len! Forgive me, but after seeing you save yourself for your best friend for years, I’m surprised that you decided to become fuck buddies with the three most notorious manwhores in the state.”

When she puts it that way...

“So does it mean that you lost your virginity to one of them?” she asks.

Thankfully she lowers her voice, because I’m not ready for Mom to know about my deal with the Devils, and she’s inside the tour bus and could come outside at any time. “My first time was with Peyton,” I admit.

“Holy shit,” she says, looking at me as if she hasn’t known me for most of our lives. “You had sex with your stepbrother.”

“I didn’t know he was my stepbrother when we slept together,” I clarify. “Well, not the first time we slept together.”

“Oh my fucking god.” Sarah pulls me closer, lowering her voice even more. “So tell me how it was. Is he so good that it justifies how crazy his groupies are about him?”

I feel heat rise to my face as I admit the truth. “It was... perfect, but he wasn’t how I imagined, Sarah. The way people talk about him made me certain he’d be selfish and just take what he wanted. He researched how to do it right the first time. Peyton was hot and patient, and he made it really good for me.”

Sarah’s gaze is intense, and her voice is barely above a whisper when she says, “Dude, you have it bad for him, Len.”

I deny it in a rush, too scared to even think about that. “I don’t. Peyton and I are just good friends, and can you blame me for finding him attractive? He’s handsome, and he knows exactly what to do to make me feel good.”

“I rest my case,” Sarah deadpans. “You’re crushing on him, and you’re crushing hard.”

I can’t crush on him. It’s too dangerous. “I’m not.”

Sarah doesn’t look convinced. “I know you, Lenley. After the way Darrius let you down, you’re just projecting the feelings you had for him onto Peyton. The fact that you have physical chemistry—”

“I swear I’m not,” I interrupt her. “The fact that I feel the same way about Channing is proof. Darrius was everything to me for years, and I didn’t even notice other guys. If I can want Channing and Jameson just as much as I want Peyton, then that means that I’m not in love with him.”

There’s still a hint of skepticism in Sarah’s expression. “Are you sure?”

I’m not sure about anything. I really like my three friends with benefits, but my feelings for Darrius haven’t just disappeared overnight. I’m confused because I’m still so angry with Darrius, and his behavior—the way he started looking at me under a different light the second he caught wind of his rivals’ interest in me—is proof that I don’t know the guy I grew up with. Peyton might be right about Darrius’s character. I might have been in love with a selfish, callous womanizer who just kept me on the back burner to feed his own ego.

Sarah is still waiting for an answer to her question, and I push away my doubts and fears about Darrius. “Yeah, I’m positive. It’s just sex, and we’re becoming good friends. There’s nothing wrong with that, right?”

This time Sarah doesn’t object. “No. As long as you know what you’re doing, there’s nothing wrong. So you spent last night with Channing?”

I smile, answering the question in her eyes. “Channing is so fucking hot. He’s so strong and big...everywhere, but he’s also so gentle, and he makes me feel confident, and we have fun together. He’s basically the male version of you.”

She bursts out laughing. “No fucking way. I mean, if I were a guy, I wouldn’t hate looking like Channing, but that’s fucked up. However, you’re right. If I were a guy, I’d have a huge cock.”

I giggle. “You’re right. You already have BDE as a girl.”

Her blonde brows furrow. “BDE?”

“Big dick energy. You have more balls than most men I know, Sarah.”

“Ha. You can bet your ass I do. So Channing, huh?” she asks when we finally manage to stop laughing. “I have to admit I’m not surprised. The guy is a giant, so tall and buff. It would be a shame if he had a small dick.”