I nod. “He’s big to the point of being scary, but he knows, and he was absolutely perfect last night.”
Sarah’s smile contradicts her next words. “I’m glad to hear that, Len, and I’m even a little jealous of all the fun you’re having, even if it was about time you stopped waiting for Darrius and started living your life. So what about Jameson? He’s really hot, with his dark and handsome looks and that quiet, brooding attitude. Did you guys do it in the locker room?”
“Sarah!” I gasp. “Of course we didn’t! We were just hanging out before it was time to start getting ready for their jumps. You’re so nosy.”
My bestie shrugs. “You’re my best friend, and I need to knoweverythingabout your life. Don’t forget that we have to make up for a whole year when you were across the ocean. Plus, right now, I have to live vicariously through you,” she admits, her expression darkening.
“Oh. Aren’t things working out between you and Trent?”
It’s rare to see Sarah being less than confident.
“I don’t know, babe.” She sighs. “There’s a whole lot of flirting, so I don’t think he hates me, but he hasn’t made a move to take things any further than a little banter and the occasional ‘accidental’ touch. I’d have no problem making the first move, but I sense that there’s something holding him back.”
I think about it. “Could it be because of your fling with Niko last year? Maybe Niko still likes you, and Trent won’t make his move because of the bro code. I mean, they are teammates, and if they started fighting over girls, it would be a huge problem.”
Sarah snorts, not even attempting to hide her chagrin. “Well, fuck, if Nikoliked me, then he should have kept it in his pants when Kiara offered herself to him on a silver platter. I wanted to date, but he moved on, so now he shouldn’t be allowed to invoke the bro code on Trent.”
I don’t disagree with her. “You’re right, but if that’s the case, at least you know Trent isn’t a douche, like someone we know.”
The dig at Kiara is obvious, and Sarah wraps her arm around my shoulders. “Yeah, that’s true. I might go talk to Niko and see if he’s cockblocking me. I wish the Cove Angels liked to share like the Devils.” She winks. “Even though I’d have to make do with just two thirds of the team, because regardless of girl code, I’m not into Darrius.”
I look at my best friend for a long moment. “You’ve never liked Darrius, even before Kiara.” It isn’t a question, it’s a statement.
“I’ve always hated the way he took you for granted, Len. He knew how you felt about him, and the way he kept stringing you along was not how a friend should treat you, so I’m sorry if I don’t run to join the Darrius Penn fan club.”
Yeah, she isn’t wrong.
“By the way, you said you were with Channing last night,” she says, changing the subject, “but you were with Jameson this morning, and I haven’t heard a review of his performance yet.”
The way she wiggles her eyebrows is funny, and I give her a playful push. “You haven’t because we just kissed this morning. We’re planning on spending tonight together. I’ll just have to be a lot better at sneaking out of his bed than I was this morning.”
“What do you mean?” she asks.
“Jameson caught me doing the walk of shame as I was leaving Channing’s room.”
Sarah shakes her head. “I hate that expression, ‘walk of shame.’ Especially because it’s mainly used to describe a girl leaving her hookup’s place in last night’s clothes. I’ve rarely ever heard someone say that to a guy. They are proud of their hookups, and they flaunt them.”
I shrug. “I agree with you, I hate double standards too, but what else should I call it? That’s exactly what I did. I left Channing’s room in last night’s clothes, and I was trying to sneak back into my room without being seen.”
Sarah crosses her arms over her chest, and the look in her eyes is as defiant as ever. “If men flaunt it, then we should too. Fuck the walk of shame, we should do a pussy strut.”
I laugh. “A pussy—what?”
“A pussy strut,” she repeats. “You walk slowly and sensually, hold your head high, and ignore anyone who sees you. Actually, youwant to be seen. You had sex, which was hopefully fun, and it’s your right to do it as much as it’s a guy’s right, so you’re proud and you strut your stuff. Fuck the haters, and anyone who judges you is just jealous.”
God, that’s why I love Sarah!
“I like that,” I agree. “I’m not sure I have the balls to pull it off, but I like it.”
She tilts her head interrogatively. “Why not?”
“I’m not sure I should advertise my deal with the guys.”
Understanding dawns in Sarah’s eyes. “Are you afraid of what Gina would say?”
I shake my head. “Not too much, to be honest. I mean, fuck, I’m sure she wouldn’t be completely supportive of me sleeping with all three of the guys, but she pretty much told me what you just did. She said as long as I’m careful not to let one of them break my heart, I’m an adult and I can do whatever I want. The problem is Ken. He told Peyton that he should treat me like a sister and that they can be my friends, but it has to end there. He’s worried that anything between one of the guys and me would have repercussions for his new marriage.”