But after a lot of talk, Sledge has finally decided to sell his grandmother's house. We’ve put a down payment on a house near the compound where all five of us can move into. Mia can have her own room, and for ourselves, we can maybe knock out a wall or two to make room for a bed like Alessa has upstairs. I can't wait.

But first, it’s time to clear out the house.

“This is a lot of shit, not gonna lie.” Sledge shakes his head.

He's right. I had a few things, pictures and toys and stuff, but most of the furniture belongs with the house. His grandmother’s personal things have long since been dealt with, but it’s still a lot to get rid of.

Sledge and I rode here on his bike, so we got here faster, but now Havoc and Phoenix are turning into my driveway with a moving truck.

“You going to keep much of it, you think?”

He shakes his head. “Nah. There's some memories here, but most of this is gonna get donated or head straight for the dump. It's so old and worn, hardly anyone's gonna want it.”

It's a big job, but then we've got three big, strong guys to carry the big stuff. And me, to organize and direct them.

Fine, I'll do some moving too.

Clearing out the living room and kitchen actually goes a lot faster than expected. We're efficient. By lunchtime, we're down to the bedrooms.

Sledge looks thoughtful. “We're moving along real quick here, but you know what I never did while I lived here?”

“Showered?” Havoc suggests.

“Fuck off.” Sledge gives him a shove while Havoc laughs.

“I never had a girl over. Grandma accepted a lot of things in me, just about everything really, but no girls in my room, especially not while someone was home.” He gives me a look that I'm all too familiar with. Doesn't take a genius to see where this is heading.

Phoenix gives him the side-eye. “You can't tell me that you never fucking snuck a girl in here while Grandma was out. No fucking way.”

Sledge shrugs. “You fucking know me. Do you think I was any smoother as a teenager than I am now? Besides, I owed her fucking everything. It wasn’t a big ask. She was the only one in my whole damn family who really accepted me as I was. I was not gonna risk fucking that up.”

Havoc peeks into Sledge's old room, where there's just a single bed now—the one Mia has been sleeping in. “So you're saying… that this room's virgin?”

Phoenix slides an arm around my waist and pulls me close. You could see it as an affectionate gesture, something he's full of, but one might also see it as making sure I can't get away from what's starting to sound like a fun afternoon diversion.

Sledge laughs. “Yeah, but that bed? I don’t think so.”

I cross my arms over my chest. “Definitely not. I get that it wasn’t always hers, but there's no way anything naughty is happening in Mia's room. That's just a little too creepy for me.”

“So what I'm hearing,” says Phoenix, “is that the big bedroom is free game.”

“I mean… that's not exactly what I meant, but?—”

“I'm definitely not hearing a no there.” Havoc's hand lands on my butt, not pushing me yet, but the way he's standing, the only way forwards is into my bedroom.

They're being pushy, but it's because they know I'm a pushover. The idea of a hot time with them isn't exactly something I'mtrying to avoid. But if I make it too easy, the guys won't respect me in the—oh, who am I kidding?

“Are you sure we have time?”

Sledge takes my hand and backs into the room, pulling me with him. “We'll fucking make time.”

That's all it takes before clothes start flying. If we're going to send the house off with a bang, we're doing it proper.

I've barely got my T-shirt off when Havoc captures my face with both hands and plants a steamy kiss on my lips. Meanwhile, Phoenix is behind me, undoing my bra, and Sledge crouches so he can get at my zipper.

They've gotten pretty efficient at undressing me. Practice makes perfect.

Not that it takes long before they're all naked, either.