“Present,” they all reply at once.

“Somehow, you've convinced this lovely woman to take pity on your sorry souls. I hope you fuckers understand what kind of responsibility we're talking about here, because if any of you fuck this up?—”

Mia giggles, which makes Dante giggle with her. “Bad word!”

Eagle-eye rolls his eyes. “I swear, this club's turning into a fu—goddamned daycare.”

Like he’s one to talk with his old lady standing next to Emily with Damien in her arms. I'm not sure if goddamned is all that much better than a regular F-bomb, but I'm not going to worry about it today. God knows the kids are used to rough language by now. You can't really avoid it in an MC.

“Because,” says Eagle-eye, drawing everyone's attention back to him, “if any of you mess this up, I'm gonna tie you fuckers to the back of my bike and keelhaul ya. Two laps around the whole compound. She's sweet, she's caring, she's a lovely mother and she's way better than you fucks deserve.”

Mia giggles again, but doesn't say anything. I guess I couldn't expect it to last.

“So if you have any doubts, any fucking doubts whatsoever, that you can't fulfill your duties as her men, as her protectors andsupporters in everything she does, then you better speak up now, and bow the fuck out, because this club doesn't accept quitters, and you're representing the Screaming fucking Eagles when you take her for your old lady. That also includes Mia of course. So what do you say?”

“I'm in,” Phoenix says.

“Yep,” Havoc says.

“Fuck yeah,” Sledge agrees. “For fucking ever.”

Eagle-eye nods. “It's binding.” Then he turns to me.

I swallow nervously. Even having gotten to know him a little, I don't think there's going to be a day where that steely gaze, coupled with the unseeing one won't unnerve me a little when it's pointed my way. It's like he sees right into my soul.

“So… my boys have tricked you into sticking around. Are you sure? Really sure?” He raises his eyebrows like he can't quite believe it. “They're trouble, and they do stupid shit more often than not, but… they're good guys. At least when they want to be, and you hold 'em by the ears a little. Are you sure you want that responsibility? It's like a dog. Once you've adopted one, you're kinda stuck with it.” As if for emphasis, Jupiter barks.

I nod, not sure if he's done. I don't think so.

“Anyway if you're sure, I think you could do a lot worse than these guys. What do you say?”

I look at them in turn, pretending to think it over.

“I'm gonna spank you,” says Phoenix.

The crowd chuckles, while Mom shakes her head.

“Of course,” I say.

Then I proclaim you old lady and property of Havoc, Phoenix and Sledge. If they ever give you trouble, let me know and I'll have the Cleanup Crew beat some sense into them. There were rings?”

Nothing happens until Liam gives Dante a nudge and they walk up, holding the boxes. The moment we take them from him, Dante plops down on the chair with Mia.

Guess it's up to me. I open mine first, one at a time. Each ring is made from titanium, engraved with the names of the others, because while I'm the old lady, this is a partnership, and we all do our share. One by one, I slip them on their ring fingers, before Havoc takes the last one and puts it on mine.

A cheer goes up and then we're swarmed with people eager to congratulate us.

Biker weddings are a thing of their own, but that doesn't mean they mean any less.

Once the ceremony is over, people are more attracted to Chef's burgers than they are to us. The guys surround me. Sledge sweeps Mia up in his arms. She hugs him tight and kisses his cheek. “Love you, Sledge!” she proclaims. At some point the Mr. slipped away when she was talking to them, which to me is just another sign that I’m doing the right thing.

Me, my little girl, and my three big bikers.



It'sweird to be back at the Sledge’s house after spending so long at the clubhouse. But Mia and I can't just hop between their rooms forever, though they've all been great about adding a kid bed in each of their rooms for Mia to crash in while I bunk in with whoever's there. It doesn't exactly give us much time for nighttime fun. Fortunately the club is full of babysitters and Alessa is happy enough to have Mia over during the day. There are definitely benefits to having men who don't work nine to five jobs.