Page 17 of Royally Fated

“Hmm, yes. She really is a sweetheart, isn’t she? Not as bitter as I would be if I were treated like she is by my family.”

I nodded. “Yeah, I’m not thrilled with it.” That was an understatement, but we all understood it wasn’t something we could do much about. It wasn’t like we could kidnap the actual princess, even if she weren’t really valued by the rest of the royals. It was a good way to get Fort Canid wiped off the map in its entirety.

The conversation faded this way, and the three of us finished our meal, then sat around digesting for. It was so strange, having so much leisure time when the borderlands were teetering on the break of total war. Like a disconnect from reality. But that was the capital’s whole thing, right? By forbidding any talk of the war, they’d sealed themselves off from the terror that was all too real for the rest of our kingdom.


“Hey, are you that upset about going to get into our gowns?” Darla asked, pulling me back to the moment. “Do you need to go for a run?”

I shook my head, not realizing I’d drifted so far from the moment. “Ah, no. Just thinking about stuff.”

“Well, whatever it is, maybe don’t think about it if you don’t want to look like you’re about to murder someone,” Mad Dog said, taking a long chug of his drink before heading to the door. “I know you enjoy people being afraid of you, but to be feared is to be noticed, and we stick out enough already.”

“Fair point,” I said, getting up to follow him.

He was right, I did enjoy the space that came from people being uncomfortable or fearful of me, but there were already far too many eyes on me. I felt watched every single time I walked the halls, and that wasn’t exactly conducive to any covert operations.

It was my own fault, really. Between what I’d done with those rude guards in the training yard, then saving Mad Dog, it was impossible to think at least a few rumors would get started from that, even with the entire medic crew having my back.

Then again, if I had the choice to do it all again, I would. I couldn’t imagine a world without Mad Dog in it, and while it’d resulted in my curse showing whole new, terrifying abilities, it was entirely worth it.

Thankfully, we made it to Seraphina’s without much interruption. It was because the gala was so prevalent in everyone’s minds, with most of the attendees locked within their quarters to get ready, and the staff in a frenzy to finish up the last of the preparations.

I wished I could at least see Kai. We’d just shared a brilliant time together, yet it wasn’t enough. I wanted to be by his side, to hear his laugh and talk about what was on his mind. I wanted his scent to fill my nose, and to hear his rumbling laughter. I really was gone on him, but I wasn’t ashamed of it anymore, and I wasn’t afraid of it, either. I was afraid for him, for us, but not of my love itself.

Ooh, there was that “l” word again. I didn’t think I’d ever utter it out loud to Kai, but I really should. It just…wasn’t the right time. I didn’t want it to seem like I was saying it out of desperation. I wanted it to be just because that was how I felt.

Complicated, as per usual.

“There you are!” Seraphina said as Halle guided us in. “I was beginning to think I’d have to send someone to fetch you.”

“Nah, we knew you wanted us here,” Darla said with a cheery grin. “We wouldn’t miss the chance to hang out with our favorite princess, either.”

Seraphina’s face lit up like a birthday cake. “Really?”

Neither of us pointed out that she was the only princess we were familiar with. It wasn’t worth ruining the happiness written across her features. Instead, Maddox just cleared his throat and bowed.

“Your Highness,” he said. “Since my escorts have now safely arrived, I’ll go ahead and take my leave.”

I was surprised at just how formal Mad Dog’s tone was. I didn’t even know he was all that capable of talking like that. He certainly didn’t with Kai, even after finding out our captain was the prodigal prince.

“Oh, wait! Before you go, I have a gift for you.”

“A gift?”

Now it was Mad Dog’s turn to look surprised as the princess nodded to Halle, who calmly strode over to a cabinet and removed a small box.

“These are for you,” Seraphina said, still beaming brightly. “I know a traditional Camdarian gown really isn’t up your alley, but I couldn’t let one of my favorite people go to their first official palace gala without anything from me.”

It was adorable to watch how the grizzled soldier’s face softened, a light pink just barely visible above his beard. He really was such a sweetheart, which I never would have guessed when we’d first met. This was, perhaps, hypocritical considering I didn’t exactly fit most stereotypes myself. Our entire group was a lesson in not judging a book by its cover.

“Well, are you going to open it?” Seraphina asked, her eyes sparkling with delight as the soldier stared at the small package. It nearly fit perfectly in the palm of his hand, the box being a dark, red velvet and tied up with a dainty bow in the national Camdarian colors.

“Right, o-of course.”

Darla and I watched, after exchanging a knowing look, of course, as Mad Dog untied the ribbon and delicately lifted the lid from the box. I had to crane my neck , but it wasn’t too hard to spot the dazzling, onyx cufflinks that sat within a cushion, small bits of deeply blue gemstones at their center.

“These… these are for me?” Mad Dog asked, obviously steeling his voice, but a warble made it through anyway. Goodness, he was surprisingly adorable.