Page 18 of Royally Fated

“They are, but only if you like them.”

“I adore them,” Mad Dog said with reverence. “I… I don’t quite know how they’ll look with my soldier’s uniform, but I will treasure these nonetheless.”

“Soldier’s uniform? Don’t be silly. My brother most certainly had arranged at least some traditional clothing for you. He wouldn’t want you all to stick out like a sore thumb. That would bring on far too much attention.”

“Ah, well, I suppose I’d better go confer with him and Oren, then,” Mad Dog said, dipping into the deepest bow I’d ever seen him make.

Oh, yes, I could practically see him mentally adopting Princess Seraphina in real time. He was just going to become everyone’s uncle, it seemed. Yet another thing I’d never have expected when I’d first met him.

“By your leave, Your Majesty.”

“You may go,” Seraphina said, still grinning brightly. I wondered if she ever really got to give many gifts. It seemed like she was socially isolated, and I assumed there were only so many presents she could shower on Halle before her righthand woman had everything she’d ever want. “I look forward to seeing you tonight.”

“Aye, save a dance for me if you wouldn’t mind.”

Mad Dog had such a fond expression on his face when he turned to leave. I didn’t need to be psychic to tell that Darla was as moved by the moment as I was. We really were a family, weren’t we?

I’d spent the first twenty-odd years of my life being an orphan, but I really wasn’t one anymore. That was a particularly good feeling, even if it filled me with a chilling fear whenever I thought about what my curse could do to them.

But soon, that wouldn’t be an issue. We were closer than ever to breaking the spell now that we had a good idea of who’d cast it. There were more strings to unravel with my curse, but the fact that we finally had a suspect was hugely encouraging. It was a sliver of hope after a lifetime with so little.

“Halle, would you fetch our preparation team? Tell them that we’re ready.”

“Of course, Your Majesty.”

Halle gave a bow and hurried out. I did wonder if she was going to get her own dolling up, or if she was expected to go in standard servant’s garb, but I figured even the staff had special uniforms for fancy occasions.

The princess happily bounced up to us, her face flushed with exuberance. How often did she get to be so openly joyous? I couldn’t be sure, but I got the impression that her family always tried to squash her hope and contentment, so it was lovely that she felt safe enough here to be so outwardly positive.

“It’s so good to see you. After the attempt on my brother’s life, I feel like the palace has been locked down even more.”

I nodded and picked my words carefully. I never wanted to lie to Seraphina, but I also didn’t want to worry her. Especially not right before a gala she was actually invited to. She didn’t need to know about my curse.

“Things have been tense, that’s for sure,” I said honestly. “But, thankfully, your brother is safe and healthy now.”

“Is he?” Seraphina asked, her joy fading as her lips pressed into a thin line. “He hasn’t come to visit me, but I heard he had a silver wound.”

“He did, but it’s been cared for and is healing so quickly,” Darla said, slinging her arm around the princess’s shoulder and guiding her over to one of the oversized, plush couches in her salon. If it were anybody else, there’d be a huge to-do about a commoner touching a royal, but Seraphina just looked happy to be included. She really was such a sweetheart. I understood why Kai had been forced to leave her behind, but goodness, it really was awful for the both of them.

Thankfully, I didn’t get a chance to say anything as Halle opened the door while standing alongside the prep team. It looked like we wouldn’t be able to have our usual candor. That was for the better, as I was tempted to blurt things out. Like inviting the princess to run away, just like her brother.

We were quiet at first, with the staff sitting us down in three different chairs as they started to brush out our hair. It wasn’t exactly comfortable for me, but Darla and Seraphina enjoyed it. After some time, Seraphina looked over at the two of us with a curious expression.

“So, what’s life in the military like?”

Don’t tell her she should enlist. Don’t say she should find out for herself.

I wasn’t sure why the urge to protect her from everything happening at the palace was suddenly so strong. It’d always been running in the background of my mind since I’d gotten to know her, but it hadn’t been as pressing in the moment.

“Dirtier,” Darla said, to the rescue as usual. “Smellier. Busier. With worse mattresses.”

“Oh, come on now,” the princess pressed. “It can’t be all bad.”

We all heard the words she didn’t say: what was it about the military that made it worth my brother abandoning me?

This was a tricky conversation on multiple levels, and not one Darla and I could explain with three strangers in the room. I glanced at Halle, seeing if she had any input on it. After all, she knew Seraphina better than anyone else. Sure enough, she gave a slight shake of her head. My instincts were right. She wasn’t safe.

I looked at Darla and directed my thoughts to her, trying to think loud enough to get through the inhibitor band, but it turned out I didn’t even need to worry. Because of course I didn’t. She was psychic, after all, and knew the three’s thoughts before I ever first looked to Halle.