Page 10 of Controlling Chloe

“Right. Yep. Thank you for helping her tonight. I didn’t want her to go out with that guy. He seems like such a slimeball.”

I raise an eyebrow. “You know him?”

“Oh, God, no. But I’ve seen him in interviews. He’s running for mayor.”

Not anymore, he’s not. At least not once I’m through with him. He won’t be running for shit because he won’t be breathing.

“She won’t have to worry about him again. I’m glad you were trying to look out for her.”

A smile spreads across her face, and she finally meets my gaze. “Yeah, well, Chloe is my best friend, but she doesn’t listen worth crap.”

I like this girl. She’s good for Chloe.

When I don’t say anything, she straightens her shoulders and uses her thumb to motion behind her. “I’m going to take her some aspirin and then go to bed. It was nice meeting you. Sorry for calling you an asshole, by the way.”

I hold up my hands and smile. “I get it. No hard feelings. It was nice to meet you too, Paisley.”

When she disappears, I rise and slowly walk around the room. I shouldn’t be snooping, but there’s a lot of shit in my life I shouldn’t do. It’s never stopped me before, though.

I trail my fingers over an open dollhouse on top of her dresser. The tiny bed is even made with a frilly yellow comforter. Did she build this herself? One of the curtains is a little uneven, but it’s otherwise perfect. My sister-in-law and her sister work on stuff like this. Hell, they have a whole goddamn zoo, complete with a piranha pond. They spend hours putting it together and rearranging it. I’m pretty sure Declan and Killian have spent a small fortune on the tiny toys.

Most of the walls in the dollhouse are the same yellow as her dress. I wonder if she painted them herself. The detail and time she put into this are impressive. I flip a tiny switch on one wall of the house and the interior lights up. She even hung a string of twinkle lights in one of the bedrooms. Fucking adorable.

I move on to her nightstand where she has a bunch of random stuff piled on top. Chapstick, a book, lotion, a remote, a few little candy wrappers, and multiple half-empty bottles of water. Her messiness makes my skin itch, but it’s also cute. If she were mine, I’d get after her about it, though.

But she’s not yours, so get your mind out of the gutter, pervert. Jesus. Death wish, much?

I almost regret opening the closet. The thing is stuffed to the brim with clothes, shoes, and purses, half of which are yellow. There’s a trend going on here. I’m surprised the contents didn’t burst out of there the second I pulled the door open. She needs more room to store all her stuff. A closet like mine, which is bigger than this entire bedroom.

A large, plastic tub at my feet is full of makeup. Palettes and lipsticks of all sorts. They all look old. When I open one, I’m baffled. The contents have been almost completely used up. Why is she holding on to all this stuff? Maybe it’s a girl thing I don’t know about. Makeup isn’t exactly my specialty.

It takes me a minute to wrestle the closet door closed. The track is bent or something. Or maybe it’s because this entire place is a rundown shithole, but I’ll keep that to myself. I peer down into a laundry basket sitting in the corner. The way everything is tossed in there, I’m pretty sure these are her dirty clothes. And sitting right on top is a yellow pair of cotton panties. Fuck. My fingers tingle. One hit wouldn’t be wrong, would it? At least I’d be able to stop wondering what her pussy smells like.

I stare at the panties for several moments and finally, unable to resist, reach down and gently pick them up. My cock stirs, and when I bring them to my nose and inhale, my entire body starts to buzz with adrenaline. She smells perfect. Sweet and feminine. She smells like mine.

Shit. What am I doing? I drop the underwear like they’ve burned me and shake my head. She’s not mine. She’s Kieran’s sister. And I sniffed her fucking panties like a deranged stalker. I’ll never forget her smell, though. I need to find out what perfume she wears. It lingers in the air. I might not be able to have her dirty panties, but I can sure as fuck buy a bottle of her fragrance. My cock is rock hard, and if I don’t get it under control, she’s going to walk in and be scared to death.

I move to the edge of the bed and sit near the big lump hidden under the comforter. She stuffed a bright yellow plush duck under there before she headed for the shower. Part of me wants to pull it out and have it on my lap when she returns, but she’s already had a traumatic night, and the last thing I want to do is upset her more. She obviously stashed the toy under the blanket because she didn’t want me to see it.

A few minutes later, she walks into the bedroom but halts the second she sees me. “I thought you were leaving.”

I stay where I am, though what I really want to do is pick her up and carry her to bed. What the fuck is wrong with me? I can’t think like that. It’s wrong. She’s Kieran’s sister. I’d be pissed if he hooked up with my sister. Actually, that’s a lie. I wouldn’t be upset. I trust the men around me. I know they would never hurt her. And I know if she ended up with any of them, she’d be well taken care of. However, just because I feel that way doesn’t mean Kieran would.

“I never said I was leaving. I asked you a question and you didn’t answer. So, I waited.”

She shifts nervously, her eyes darting around the room. When she looks at me again, I raise my eyebrows. “Why were you out with him, Chloe?”

Her shoulders drop, and fuck me, I wish I hadn’t noticed because I can see her nipples through her thin tank top. It takes incredible strength, but I force my eyes back up to hers and wait for an answer.

“It doesn’t matter why,” she says quietly.

That’s exactly why it matters. Because there’s something off. She didn’t go on that date willingly, so whatever the reason, I need to know so I can handle it.

“Chloe, answer the question. Now.”

If I weren’t so tense, I might laugh at the way her eyes widen at my firm tone. Normally I’m one of the more easygoing men in our organization. At least, I come across that way. What a lot of people don’t know is that I’m a control freak, and I can be a pure monster when I need to be.

“Geez. You’re as bad as Kieran.”