Page 11 of Controlling Chloe

I smile. “Baby, I’m worse than Kieran. And unless you want me to call him right now and have him come over here, I suggest you start talking.”

To my surprise, she sits on the bed beside me. Not close enough to be touching but close enough that I can smell the vanilla body wash she used. My cock twitches to life again, and I’ve never been more thankful to be sitting so I can keep it hidden.

She lets out a deep sigh and flops back onto the mattress. I wish she hadn’t done that. Now I can see a sliver of her tummy, and I can’t stop imagining myself hovering over her.

“My father set it up. He was trying to seal a business deal with Bradley, and he asked me to go out with him.”

I twist my upper body to look at her, but she has an arm resting over her eyes.

“He asked? Or he demanded?”

She and Kieran have different dads. The only thing I know about her father is that Kieran hates him and thinks he’s a piece of shit. And if my best friend thinks that, it’s true.

“He…strongly encouraged.”

Tired of question dodgeball, I grab her arm and pull it away from her face. “How exactly did he strongly encourage it, Chloe? And give me a straight answer. I’m growing impatient.”

Her eyes narrow, and her jaw flexes. “Has anyone ever told you that you’re extremely overbearing?”

I flash her a smile. “Yes. Scarlet and Cali tell me that all the time. Now, answer the question.”

“Who are Scarlet and Cali?”

Jesus, this woman is exasperating. “Declan’s and Killian’s women. Why? Are you jealous?”

She scoffs. “No. God. Not even.”

“I’m going to count to three, and if you don’t answer my question by the time I get to three, I’m calling Kieran. One.”

She slaps a hand on the bed and sits up. “He told me I had to go out with Bradley or he wouldn’t pay my college tuition next term. I’m so close to being done with school, and I don’t want nearly eight years of practically killing myself for a degree I have no desire for to go down the fucking drain. Happy? You got your answer, so you can leave now.”

I’m on my feet so fast, she gasps. “What the fuck? He told you that? What the fuck is wrong with him? And what the fuck do you mean you don’t want to do the job you went to school for? Why did you choose that major then?”

“You say fuck a lot,” she murmurs.

The rage burning inside me is too hot to acknowledge what she said. Instead, I start pacing the room. That bastard. What kind of man would use his daughter to close a business deal and blackmail her by threatening to cut off funding for her education?

Chloe must realize how pissed I am because she doesn’t say anything. My mind is racing. Bradley is going to die, and part of me wants to make her father disappear too. I need to talk to Kieran about it first, though.

“Get in bed, Chloe,” I finally say.

When she doesn’t move immediately, I pick her up to place her under the covers. She struggles in my arms as I yank the blankets back, exposing her duck, and then deposit her back onto the bed. Before she can try to hide the stuffed animal again, I grab it and push it into her arms.

“Where’s your phone?”

She squeezes the toy and stares up at me like she’s not sure what’s happening. “It’s in my purse.”

I look around the room until I spot the small clutch.

“Hey!” she says when I open it. “Do you always do whatever you want?”

“Yes. Put the code in.” I hand the phone to her and wait.

She stares at me for several seconds before she sighs and taps in the pin to unlock it.

“God, you’re worse than my brother,” she mutters.

I ignore her and call my number first then program my name into her phone. After that, I open the browser, find what I’m looking for, and hit install.