Denis drives fast through the city, stopping in front of Anna’s house a few minutes later.

I get out of the car and smooth down the lines of my suit before striding to the door. Anna’s car isn’t in the driveway, but another one is.

Maybe she was with a friend and the friend had brought her home.

It’s time for her to learn that there is no running from the big bad wolf.

I slam my boot into the door beside the handle, one hard kick sending the cheap lock flying from the rotting frame.

The lights are off, and no noise comes from within the house.

There are no footsteps or heavy breathing. No sounds coming from any of the rooms at the end of the hall.

Where the hell is she?

I make my way down the hall, pushing open the doors only to find rooms filled with boxes.

When I return to the living room, Denis is standing there with a man and a woman. There is a small child in the woman’s arms. Color is gone from the woman’s face as she holds her child tighter.

The pair of them look terrified, sweat beading on their foreheads and a slight tremble to their bodies.

I stop in front of them, giving them a polite smile. “What are you doing in this house?”

The man steps between me and his wife, his hands balling into fists at his side.

Idiot. He has no idea who he’s dealing with.

Though, there is something admirable about trying to protect the woman you love even when you know you don’t stand a chance.

However, if these people tell me what I want to know, I will allow them to live. My issue is not with them.

If they tell me where Anna is.

“We bought it last night.” He finally talks.

Now she’s fucking done it.

I look down at the man, my lips pressing into a thin line. “You said that you bought the house last night. From whom?”

The man’s jaw twitches, his gaze flitting around the room. When he looks back at me, his throat bobs. “Anna White. She said that she was in a hurry to sell the house. We were in a hurry to buy, and she was selling for far lower than the market value. Said we could have the furniture too, so I didn’t ask any questions.”

“You are a fool.” I step closer to the man and invade his personal space. He tries to take a step back as the child begins to cry. “You should have asked the woman questions when she tries to sell a house in one night. She could be on the run. You never know who might come looking for answers.”

The man nods, looking down at the ground. “I don’t know where she went. She didn’t say. All she said is that she wanted the money in cash.”

Smart woman. I can’t track cash.

A small tinge of pride resides in my chest, even as I leave the people in the house and storm back outside. Denis follows behind me, his footsteps quick.

Sooner or later, however, she will make a mistake. She will find out that there is no place in the world where she can hide, and I won’t find her.

When I want something, I do not take no for an answer.

And heaven knows I want her.

But now it’s because of the disrespect. She is going to regret ever running from me. She disrespected our deal.

I spin to face Denis when we get back to the car. “I want her found.”