The door to the private room opens and one of my men walks inside. He walks behind the back of the couch and leans over it, his voice low. “The man you had me keeping an eye on is dead. Arrived at the hospital yesterday. Funeral was held this morning.”

I look over to Denis, who lets out a mild snicker.

“Where is the girl now?” I ask, my voice tight as I focus on the wall across from me, trying to reign in my anger.

James White wasn’t supposed to die this soon.

Of course, he would die before Anna made her choice. He still thinks that there is a way out of this debt.

“Nobody has seen her since the funeral.” Henrik’s words come out in a rush.

“Leave. Now.”

Henrik straightens and heads for the door as I clench the glass in my hand so tight I’m surprised it doesn’t break.

“Fucking hell.” I scowl down at the clear liquid. “Motherfucking hell.”

Leon tips his chin in my direction, wearing an amused look. “What was that about?”

I throw the glass across the room. It shatters against the black wall, vodka sliding down to the polished cement floors.

“Anna had something to lose yesterday. Today, she has nothing. And all the reason in the world to disappear before he gets his hands on her.” Denis answers instead.

Leon stifles a snort. “I guess you don’t know her like you thought you did. It seems like your little toy is on the run.”

Denis shakes his head, holding up a hand before I can lunge at Leon. “He’s just trying to get under your skin, boss. Anna is going to follow through with the deal.”

“Go get the car.” I glare at Leon until he stuffs his hands in his pockets, off to get the car while I pace back and forth across the private room.

Denis sighs and finishes another glass of vodka before standing. “We will go to her house and I’m sure that she will still be there.”

“Henrik said that nobody has seen her since the funeral.” I throw open the door to the private room, the pounding bass shaking the metal stairs as we descend into the writhing bodies in the club.

“That doesn’t mean that she has run. She could be with a friend. The girl just lost her father. She may have slunk away to mourn as she sees fit.”

The redhead from the private room approaches me as I move through the club. She tries to sink her red talons into me. I shake off her grip, sending a glare that has been known to freeze blood to ice. She stops, her hand dropping as she takes a step back.

I leave the club with Denis close behind me.

Leon steps out of the black car idling by the curb and Denis hops in the driver’s seat.

I slide in the back with Leon, my hands curled into fists in my lap.

This is not the way my plan was supposed to go.

Now I have another mess on my hands that I have to clean up.

Anna is a woman of her word. She wouldn’t run. Not when she knows that consequences are hanging in the balance. She is a good girl who is going to do whatever it takes to stay alive.

Between me and her chances at survival out on her own, I would bet on me to keep her alive longer.

Anna is smart. She knows she has a responsibility toward her father’s debt, even though he’s dead now. I don’t need to go there and remind her of our deal.

At least, I wouldn’t have to if anyone knew where she was right now.

Fucking hell, why does she have to make this difficult?

Though, it would be lying to say that the chase didn’t excite me.