I want to make her mine. Chain her to my bed and never let her go. Have her wet and waiting whenever I need her.

She would be good at it too. She was so eager to please me on the plane.

Every command I whispered to her was obeyed. She would be the perfect woman to keep fucking.

I could use a more permanent plaything for a little while.

It might be nice to come home to the same woman. Although I don’t know how to have a committed relationship, I always thought of myself as the eternal bachelor, but maybe it’s time to reconsider.


How hard would it be to track her down and take her again?

There were so many things I wanted to do with her during that flight, but there wasn’t enough room or time.

She would look stunning tied to my bed and screaming my name.

Denis’ hands drop from the wheel as we come to a red light. “While you’ve been gone, I’ve managed to receive payment for almost all the long-term debt, and it has been cleared.”

My eyebrow arches as I stuff my phone back in my pocket and look at him. “Almost all the debt has been paid?”

“All except one.” Denis hits the accelerator as the light turns green, weaving through the traffic. “James White.”

“That name sounds familiar. Did we have issues collecting the money from him before?”

I try to make it a habit to remember those who cause problems for me, but every now and then a name slips through the cracks.

“Some. Over the last four years, only fifty percent of the debt has been paid back. Perhaps a little more than fifty.”

I pinch the bridge of my nose, the headache already forming in my temples. “Do I want to know how much of this money is still outstanding?”

Though I know for a fact that I don’t want to find out how much my show of kindness is being fucked over, I need to find out.

A man who is not aware of what is missing from his books is a man who will become poor long before he is dead.

“Well, over eighty thousand dollars by the time we receive interest on the payments.” Horns honk as Denis cuts someone off and takes a sharp turn. “You loaned him a large sum four years ago.”

Scowling, my hands curl into fists in my lap. “He owes me that much money and in four years he’s barely paid half? We can’t allow that. Why has this not been brought to my attention before.”

“It was not thought to be much of a problem before. Payments were coming in on time and they were more than the minimum payment for the last year. This prior month though, the payment dropped significantly.”

“Was it the minimum?”

“No. And there’s concern that payments may continue to slow down or halt.”

That gets my full attention. “Why?”

“He has lung cancer. Got it shortly after receiving the loan. Blew it on treatments but it doesn’t look like the outcome is good.”

I rub my temples, but the pounding persists. “He’s not going to outrun his debt by dying. Take me to his house. It’s time that I remind him of the money he owes me. Have the men meet us there. I don’t want to be walking into a nasty surprise without them.”

Denis nods and pulls out his phone, sending a message to some of my men. Once the message is sent, he turns around and starts heading for one of the impoverished areas on the other side of the city.

He stops the car in front of a tiny brownstone with an even smaller front yard. The lawn is perfectly manicured as if the dying man inside is well enough to trim the lawn.

If he is well enough to do that, then why the hell isn’t he working until the debt he owes is paid?

I clench my jaw as I get out of the car. More men pour out of the black cars that pull up, surrounding the house in case James decides to do something stupid—like run.