Natalie looks down at the swirling pattern of the wood table. Trouble shines in her hazel eyes. She tucks her wavy cocoa hair behind her ear while looking around the café. Her fingers continue to rip the napkin into smaller pieces, white confetti covering the table in front of her.

She shreds the last bit of napkin. “Look, I know his family. They’re dangerous people.”

“What do you mean by dangerous?”

Natalie scoops up the napkin pieces into a small pile. “Sergey is one of the leading bosses in the New York Russian mafia. You can’t even imagine the things they do, stay away.”

“What?” My heart hammers as I look at her, my mind swirling with a thousand different questions.

There is no way that I spent several hours letting a crime boss do whatever he wanted to my body.

What have I done?

I shouldn’t have slept with him, not without knowing exactly who he was.

Just once, I wanted to be the person who wasn’t what everyone expected. I wanted to step out of my comfort zone and have a little bit of fun.

Sergey made me feel like I could let loose.

I’ve spent so much time taking care of Dad and devoting my life to bills that I have no idea who is looking back at me when I look in the mirror.

With Sergey, it felt like I knew who I was for the first time. He brought out the woman in me, awakening feelings and longings that had lain dormant deep inside me for so long.

I shake my head, trying to make sense of it all. “Are you sure that’s who it is?”

“Sergey Orlov isn’t exactly a common name.”

“Shit.” I bury my face in my hands, taking a deep breath before looking back up at her. “Shit.”

“You’re lucky to be alive.”

Chapter 6 - Sergey

The first glimpse I get of a towering skyscraper in months brings a sense of peace flooding back to me.

Although I enjoy being home in Russia, spending a month gets tiresome. I miss busy New York and the life I have built for myself here.

I miss the way the city is always alive, even in the middle of the night. I like being able to find a high-quality restaurant on every other block.

Most of all, I like how easy it is to disappear into a crowd to stalk my prey, which is exactly what I plan to do once I have time to track down information on my little flight attendant.

For the last month, all I’ve been able to think of is getting another taste of her.

It’s unusual for me. I’ve never cared this much about one woman before and very rarely fuck the same woman twice. I don’t like to get too involved and I don’t wear my emotions on my sleeves. I call it self-preservation; the brotherhood is first and foremost my only priority.

But there is something about her, and it’s alluring. I am drawn to her like a moth to a flame.

She must have felt it too if she allowed me to take her virginity.

I need to find her!

Denis turns down the music and looks over at me. “Where to first?”

I sigh and pull out my phone, looking at the list of things that need to be taken care of before I can go home. “One minute.”

All I want to do is find the gorgeous flight attendant. She’s the reason for countless cold showers that only seem to make me want her more. Fuck, it’s been a month since I had her, and my poor, lonely dick is screaming for attention. I need her.

Taking her virginity while she was working is a memory I can’t shake. When I close my eyes at night, fist around my cock, all I can hear is the way she moaned as I fucked her.