He stopped chewing in amazement. "Would you have wanted me to come and visit you?"
"Maybe?" I replied, unsure of my honest answer. How had I maneuvered myself into this question when I had decided to keep my distance from this man? Why was I sitting here with him? What was wrong with me that I couldn't follow this simple rule? Keep your distance from Tanael Baldur!
I kneaded my hands nervously in my lap.
"Why were you able to stand in the sun in Brysalia?" I tried to change the subject quickly.
Disappointment mingled with his features, but he answered me anyway: "The curse concerning the light only weighs on me in the human world—not the magical world. But since I'm also cursed to live in the underworld, I can't stay there for long either."
"So, we're going to Jerusalem tonight when it's dark?" I said.
"Yes, because on the one hand, I can be there, and on the other hand, fewer people are out at night who could see us."
"All right, lovebirds, let's hear what happens next," I suddenly heard Sam's amused voice behind us. We both turned around hastily, and I heard Tanael growl softly as we met his friend's teasing gaze.
"It starts tonight," I said, trying to relax the situation and end the others' curious looks.
"But not too early, as the tunnels under the Temple Mount can be visited well into the night," added Tanael, unrolling a map.
"This is Jerusalem before the takeover," he explained, and everyone stood around the table to follow his explanations better. "Unfortunately, we don't know the current situation. But if we stick to this old plan, we should be able to complete our mission." He pointed to a spot in the old town. "Here, right in front of the Wailing Wall, is the entrance to the tunnels. It's quite inconspicuous and easy to miss. It's in the building with the arches. If you are standing in front of the Wailing Wall, on the left-hand side."
"Aren't we going to enter the tunnels via a portal?" Edward asked.
"No, that would be too unsafe. My last visit to the corridor system was a very long time ago, and the risk of us ending up in a part that has since collapsed or flooded is simply too great. So, I will take us to the former Christian area of the old town. To the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Although this place of worship was not purely Roman Catholic but also housed other religions, I assume that the Brotherhood did not demolish it or anything like that," the angel assumed.
"But what if we burst into the middle of a midnight mass and praying worshippers see the portal?" Edward didn't seem convinced by the idea.
"There are several chapels within the huge church. I will lead the portal directly into the Chapel of the Angel," explained Tanael.
"That's a fitting name," Sam muttered and couldn't help but grin. I assumed that the chapel had never been visited by two real angels and certainly not in the company of a demon.
"The Chapel of the Angel is inside the so-called Aedicule," he continued without responding to Sam's comment.
"Aediku-what?" I asked, confused.
"An aedicule is an ancient building," Edward answered my question. "I'm more puzzled because it is a tomb."
"The Aedicule is a small building located inside the church. And yes, it contains a burial chamber. A narrow corridor about three feet wide leads from the Chapel of the Angels into the burial chamber. Let's just hope we don't have to take that path."
"Whose grave is it?" Aspasia's nose went a little pale at the word.
"Jesus'," Tanael replied.
"Well, then we don't have to worry because he's gone to heaven, and his grave should be empty," Sam said, amused, and I couldn't help but giggle.
Stephan suggested, "Maybe it's better if we split into two groups afterward, and each takes a different route to the Wailing Wall. Six people on the streets of Jerusalem at night attract too much attention."
"That's certainly true, Stephan. Let's do this: You go with Sam and Aspasia, and I'll take Myrina and Edward. We'll meet in the tunnel system's antechamber." Tanael nodded to the group.
"One more thing," he continued, his gaze falling on Aspasia and me. "We're going into the human world. That means we'll have to blend in. Women aren't allowed to walk the streets at night. So, you should both disguise as men and wear boots with dark pants and a jacket like the rest of us. To hide your hair, as soon as we are outside the church, we will all put on black hats like the Jewish men used to wear. Although the Jewish religion has been banned, I assume the clothing customs have remained. We hide short daggers in our boots if something goes wrong."
"Then I'd say we should rest a little until we leave," Sam suggested. "Tanael, I'm sure you'll be happy to take care of our clothes, won't you? And I assume you already have the map of the tunnel systems memorized in your head." Yawning, he went to the door, and Stephan followed him.
"Yes, of course I have, and as soon as you get out of bed, Sam, your clothes will be ready. Washed and ironed." The God of First Light laughed.
"I wouldn't have expected it any other way from you!" his friend called out from the corridor. "I'll meet you at two o'clock tonight!" Then he disappeared.
"Edward, you can sleep in the room where we woke you up. It's two doors down. Aspasia, there is another guest room next to Edward's room at your disposal," the host explained.