"Thank you, Tanael. It's been a long day, and I'm exhausted," the Amazon sighed and left the room, visibly exhausted. Edward stood before Tanael's bookshelf and pulled out a blue-covered book.

"This documentary is about Derinkuyu in Turkey. I want to be prepared if we find nothing under the Temple Mount. Can I borrow it? I can't sleep; I seem to have been doing this for a few days."

"No problem, feel free to take it with you, and if you need more reading, you can always come back. My study is open to you."

"Thank you." With that, Edward disappeared, leaving me alone with the angel.

"And which room are you going to sleep in, Myrina?" asked Tanael, amused.

It was only now that I remembered my vow not to spend the night in his bedroom again. But honestly, I didn't want to stay in Aza's little room without her either.

Shit, I should have joined Aspasia straight away!

Now, it was too late because I didn't want to risk waking her. Besides, she needed some time to herself after today's confession. Just to let everything sink in.

"Well," I mumbled uneasily. Could I ask him to take me to the Hamptons? But did that even make sense when we had to leave soon? No, that's not a good idea, I decided.

Desperate, I looked around and discovered a cozy-looking armchair next to the fireplace and a sofa with enough space to lie down on.

I grinned sweetly at the God of the First Light, grabbed the first book I could reach from the bookshelf, and went to the seating area.

"I'm not tired at all," I lied and plopped in the armchair.

Tanael's eyes were on the book in my hand. "Well, have fun reading it. I'd be delighted if you would show me what you've learned." When he raised his eyes, I caught flames in them that melted the gold in his irises.

Confused, I looked at the cover. Kamasutra—sensuality and fire. I froze, and it was hard not to bury myself somewhere, never to surface again. Why hadn't I taken a better look before pulling it randomly off the shelf?

Silence was the best option in this case, so I didn't react. Anything else would end in some stammering and a red face.

Tanael turned away and walked to the door. Just before he stepped out into the corridor, he turned around again.

"Myrina, can you promise me one thing?"

"Yes, what is it?"

"Please wear the necklace and the ring. We don't know who we'll meet in the tunnels, and I want you to be safe." This wasn't an order; it was a request, a plea.

"I will," I promised immediately.

"Thank you." With that, he left the room.

As soon as he left, I was overcome by an icy chill. I hastily pulled the armchair closer to the fireplace, wrapped in a blanket I had found on the sofa, and watched the dancing flames until I fell asleep.


Ifelt like I had just plunged into the security of my sleep's darkness when gentle fingers stroked my cheek.

As if magnetically attracted, I leaned sleepily towards the touch until the warm palm of a hand caressed my skin. A contented sigh escaped me as my soul recognized the scent and the energy it carried. At home, my heart whispered longingly, and my whole body breathed a sigh of relief, like a drowning man catching his breath on the water's surface.

"Myrina," whispered a male voice. Tanael. "Haye, it's time to wake up."

The other hand's fingers pushed a strand of hair out of my face and then lingered light as a feather on my hair.

The longing that had been with me for a long time cried out, demanding more—another touch, another kiss—what his lips had promised the day before in the garden.

The darkness kept me trapped in the dream world, yet my lips formed a whisper.

"Kiss me!"