Page 68 of Useless Love

Anna knows my temper, so she doesn't answer.

Taking a fifth sip of my mojito, I continue ranting. “Father is softening to him, I think. Who the fuck is he right now? I don't recognize him."

"Ari, it's not unheard of for enemy organizations to marry.”

"Yes, but only Judas Gaia would fall in love. If it were you or I, we'd bear it until our husband's untimely death. Then throw a fucking party."

Anna suddenly laughs out loud until she can control herself enough to reply. "Gaia doesn't have a cruel bone in her body. How do you even keep getting her to string Carmine Gaudino along?"

"Lies and sheer determination.”

"What does that mean?"

I shrug, sipping my drink. "I invent one lie after the other, some working on Gaia's sympathies, others frightening her about our family’s survival. Other times, I spin tales of loving Carmine all to keep Gaia in line."

Anna nearly spits some of her drink on herself while laughing. "Explain to me why you couldn't go to California with Carmine then. Why did you need Gaia to do that part?"

"First, I fucking hate him and I don’t trust myself not to kill him in his sleep. It’s better if I’m his wife first because then I can take out the rest of his family, too. Second, the last time I said two words to Jr. Guadino, he became suspicious about the marriage. Plus, father is breathing down my back."

"Dang, what two words did you say?" Then, shaking her head, Anna says, "Forget it. I know you repel men! How long are you planning to use Gaia?"

I glare at her. “Gee, thanks. Well, until the wedding night. We’ll swap back the day of the wedding, probably after the stupid vows. Then I’ll prove to my family why I have the best plans."

Suddenly, Anna's eyes widen and she leans over. "You fucking better be careful, though. If Gaia gets hurt, your father will kill you. No. Seriously. What if Carmine finds out, snaps, and puts a bullet in her?"

"Anna, you aren't listening. The pair of them are fools in love. It's more likely for Jr. Gaudino to kill himself rather than hurt Gaia. I've seen the pair for myself. They’re both sickening together."

After drinking way too much, one of my bodyguards carries me home, like usual. He plops me into the elevator and sends me up to the penthouse. While crawling out of the elevator, since my legs don't seem to work, Victoria appears. She helps me up and somehow manages to drag me into the shower. When the feeling of icy cold water hits my skin, I am fully alert once again.

"Damn, Victoria."

"Arianna, you are too fucking much," Victora says with a hint of annoyance in her voice.

"Call Luca. He will help me."

“Luca is gone.”


When I finally arrive at the airport, I spot Carmine, looking handsome in a black suit. He’s talking with his men, having an intense conversation. I’m only taking one guard with me. Father has really accepted Carmine into the family.

When I’m close enough to their group, Carmine reaches for me, looking concerned. “What’s wrong, princess?”

Thought I was hiding my emotions better. “Nothing. I, um…I just don;t fly much. Planes make me nervous.” Lies just seem to roll off my tongue nowadays. I’m lying, Ari is turning over a new leaf; it seems we really are trading places.

With his big arm around my shoulder, we walk toward his black jet. My heart is racing from being pressed against his body. I love it…it also hurts.

“Princess, this jet is completely safe. I promise. You sure that’s all it is?”

I nod.

“Well, we are getting married in three months. You’ll have to stop keeping things from me. If you have concerns or problems, I should know.”

We? No, you are getting married in three months. I’m marrying some man and then moving off to Chicago to be far away from my family and the city that I love.

“Carmine, I just woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Nothing is wrong.”

He squeezes my shoulder. “Well, that’s easily fixed. For the next two weeks, you’ll wake up next to me.”