Page 114 of Forbidden Need

“I haven’t… do you think he—I didn’t want Conn to go.”

“Ire’s gonna do what he wants, Scamp.”

Sure, but she should’ve asked what—he wouldn’t have told her. Trust. She had to trust him.

“He’ll tell me later.”

“And our Jane Doe?”

“Conn will take care of her too.”

“Take care of her…,” Strat asked, “or take care of her?”

The same words with opposite meanings. Either he got her out of the city with a new identity or she was dead in the ground somewhere.

“I trust him,” was all she could say.

“So when am I getting out of here, gov?”

“Soon as I know we’re all safe.”

“Which could be never. Me and the boys are fine. We can take care of ourselves. Stuck in here, we can’t look after Immie. I don’t like her being out there on her own. It’s not perfect, but ask the cop to…”

And he trailed off, thus proving she was an open—large print—book where Strat was concerned.

“We’re…” she started, “having some issues.”

“Heard about your outburst with Daddy. The cop pissed?”

“That and I told him.”

“Told him…?”

“That Daddy Dearest is on the take.”

Strat sucked air through his teeth. “Shit, Scamp, you on some truth kick?”

“I freed myself from one lie when I gave Conn his alibi. And talking to him about it all, Jane Doe and… other things…”

“I don’t wanna know,” Strat said, smirking. “Just be careful stretching those loyalties too thin. Whatever’s going on, isolating you could be exactly what they want.”

“They?” she asked. “That why you’re being so forgiving about yesterday? Don’t want to give the assholes what they want?”

“You know me too well, kid,” he said, winking above his smile. “They’ll come for your boyfriend next.”

She snorted. “Good luck to them.”

“If they can put a wedge between you and the McDades, you lose your protection.”

“It doesn’t matter. I’m not a cog in the Harvest deal.”

“You’re a pawn.”

“A piece easily sacrificed?”

“A piece that can be used to manipulate others,” he said. “Going public with your relationship did one thing for them: tipped Ire’s hand. Now they know you’re his weak spot.”

“If they drive a wedge between me and him, I wouldn’t be a weak spot anymore, would I?”